MovieChat Forums > Braveheart (1995) Discussion > 3 movies/scenes that make you cry...

3 movies/scenes that make you cry...

Never been a big crier at movies. Still, there are 3 scenes from movies where I cant help it. What are yours?

1.Field of Dreams: "Hey, Dad? Wanna play catch?"
2.Cast Away: (Reunification scene in the rain)
3.Braveheart: "Freedom" scene (as score swells in the background)

Interesting side note: 2/3 of these movies were scored by James Horner. I've always viewed John Williams as the greatest of all time, but hes never made me cry... well Schindler's List is damn close...


Good ones, especially 1 and 3.

How about:

Forrest Gump: When Gump finds out he has a son

And the much hated and mocked Armageddon when Bruce Willis dies for his daughter. It's not as bad a movie as some people say it is. Very flawed, but entertaining.


The scene where Wallace dreams of Murron in the forest and doesn't want to wake up. Horner's music is perfect. Gets me every time.


Cast Away: when Wilson floats away. Can't believe I tear up over a volleyball!
Wizard of Oz: when Dorothy says goodbye to Scarecrow and his look speaks volumes.
The Green Mile: when John Coffey goes to the electric chair.
Up: the first 20 minutes or so. Every.Single.Time.
Saving Private Ryan: when the mortally wounded medic cries for his mother.
Gladiator: the ending.
Braveheart: ditto.

Ok, that's more than three.


Cinema Paradiso - Kissing compilation
Paris, Texas - Reunion through glass partition
Galipoli - Run from the trenches

Honourable mention must go to The Elephant Man - Sleep like a normal person


"Cinema Paradiso"

There were several moments in that one... He's waiting (stalking) under the girl's window in the rain...


Cinema Paradiso is another good call!


Besides Murron's death scene in Braveheart, the following:

1. Terms of Endearment - the scene where Debra Winger's character calls her sons into her hospital room to say goodbye to them before she dies. Gets me every time.

2. My Girl - the scene where McCauley Culkin's character dies.

3. Steel Magnolia - the scene where Shelby dies.

Ghost, Stepmom, and Love Story also get me every time...which means that I'm pretty much easily manipulated by tearjerkers.


Star Wars episode 1 made me cry because Jar Jar Binks was in it....


Hatchi - A Dog's Tale
Brian's Song ( the original TV movie)
Terms of Endearment


Good thread. Let me add some of mine:

1. Braveheart. Obviously the "Freedom" scene. But also the very end with the voiceover, the Claymore, and the beautiful score.

2. Glory. The whipping scene. Nuff said.

3. Dances with Wolves. At the end, when Wind In His Hair stands atop the cliff, screaming his proclamation of friendship to Dances With Wolves. I could cry right now, just thinking about it.

4. The Last Unicorn. When Schmendrick can't think of any other way to save the unicorn, he tells Prince Lir: "That's what heroes are for." And Lir, being the hero that he is, does exactly what heroes are for: unarmed, with no hope of success or even survival, he opposes the charging red bull.

5. Beowulf. Ok, these are no sad tears, but of pure awesomeness: When Beowulf has defeated Grendel, the creature asks him who he is. And Beowulf answers: "I am Ripper... Tearer... Slasher... Gouger. I am the Teeth in the Darkness, the Talons in the Night. Mine is Strength... and Lust... and Power! I AM BEOWULF!" What a mighty hero!

6. The Lord of the Rings - Return of the king. When all who are present at Aragorn's coronation bow to the four little Hobbits who did the impossible.

7. The Road. Out of fear from the cannibals, the man shows his son how to commit suicide properly.

8. It's not a movie, but a TV miniseries: North and South. It's corny as hell, but there are some real tearjerkers in there. For example when Orry and George part ways just before the war. They know they're going to be enemies from this day on, yet they are like brothers and this scene shows it just so damn well. Another scene that had me crying tears of joy was George's return home after his imprisonment at Libby prison, a true hellhole.

I didn't like the Godfather, so what?


My Girl: The funeral scene
The Patriot: When the daughter cries out to her father
Forrest Gump: When he says goodbye to Jenny
