MovieChat Forums > Braveheart (1995) Discussion > Will Scotland ever achieve FREEDOM?

Will Scotland ever achieve FREEDOM?

And finally be BRAVE enough to break away from english control?

I think it's about time to stand on its own and be a true independent nation out of UK.

William Wallace will be fulfilled!


Be BRAVE! But have a HEART!


Having a heart means to accept subjugation?


It was just a play from BRAVEHEART.


Ok, gotcha:-)


They want to join the EU, so much for Freedom


That would be voluntary joining a group of equals.

Now is forcefully ruled by its overbearing neighbor.

Do you understand the difference? It's not that difficult.
Boyscouts are FREE, only have to obey the rules to be in the club.
Slaves are not, and are devolved their few liberties only at their master wishes.


And do you understand whether ruled by London or Brussels that isn't free.

That's exchanging the yoke of Britain for the yoke of the EU.

The EU can enact rules as they wish and limit the rights of individual countries to decide things for themselves hence why Brexit took place


Look, the difference is not sublte at all. You are comparing an Elephant to a Mouse and claim "they are the same grey animal: two eyes, four legs, one tail".

London is RULING over Scotland, whether Scots like it or not.
Bruxelles is NOT ruling over anything. It's like saying that Washington is "ruling" over California. Fuck are you talking about? Washington is a direct expression of California and proportionally of the other 49 states. Same as Bruxelles is an expression of all the 27 EU state members and creates its laws proportionatelly and democratically.
The EU can enact nothing, since any nation member IS THE EU.
And exactly like for Brexit, if you don't like the club once you VOLUNTARILY got in, you can get out.

England, instead, took control of its neighbors by FORCE and is still holding it today, and the UK is NOT Scotland, it's a kingdom (ENGLISH KING) centered on London extending its power over subjugated territories, whether they like it or not.
See, precisely, what they did to Scottish vote with Brexit.


I never said the UK was Scotland. Obviously you're having trouble reading. Scotland is apart of the UK though with England, Wales and Northern Ireland.

And by force may have been true during Wallace's time but Scotland and England joined under the Union of the Crowns with James I. Do you even know history? I think you don't.

And yeah Washington DC does have federal laws that extend into CA why do you think federal agents have arrested marijuana patients even though it's legal in the state?

So what the fuck are you talking about besides a load of bullshit you clearly know nothing about


I'm talking about shit that clearly flies waaay too high over your head.
No kidding you never said UK is Scotland. You can't even understand the meaning of what I wrote, dummy.

Scotland "joined" England as much Cadbury "joined" Kraft or Chrysler "joined" FIAT, or any other takeover that has happened in history. Only an imbecile would think that Scotland and England are equal partners that happily "joined".

Having federal laws or writing and obeying any other form of laws under a democratic government does not constitute RULING. But I'm clearly speaking to an ignorant that cannot and will not understand the difference between ruling and governing. You probably think of yourself as the king of your own imaginary kingdom of your toilet since nobody else is there ruling above you.


Which again proves you don't know what your fucking talking about.

James I became King of Scotland and England joining the Crowns. He was what again? Fucking Scottish you dumb fuck. He became King by what? Laws of succession not by conquest.

Even the Jacobite Rebellion wasn't for Independence but to put a Scottish King back on the throne. The Bonny Prince

One thing is for sure, my corned shit is 1000 times smarter than you. You should do us all a favor and flush yourself.


Everybody here knows the historic circumstances, only difference is that you are too stupid to understand the significance of their implications.
I even wrote some commercial examples to illustrate you how something might look like a larger partnership, while the facts show the reality of a hostile takeover. But like everything else I wrote, you didn't get that.
I'll repeat myself: only an imbecile would think that Scotland and England are equal partners that happily "joined".

Considering how highly you value it, I suspect that you named your corned shit the queen of your toilet kingdom and married it. Congrats!


No, what you've implied this whole fucking time and typed in caps was England took Scotland by FORCE. That isn't the fucking case.

And last I checked Scotland can elect MPs to serve in the house of commons and have peers who serve in the house of lords.

None of this changes the fact that if you want Scotland to be free then be free but don't claim you're being free and joining the EU.

Do you get it now you fucking spoon? Probably not cause an aborted fetus has more intelligence than you


Spoon? What the fuck has a spoon got to do with this?

You are too stupid to understand the difference between willfully entering a club and submissively being kidnapped.


I'll shock you with another secret: India didn't join forces with England either.


Still proving your stupidity

19th-century British slang, spoon meant "simpleton (a meaning that may have been influenced by the "shallowness" of some spoons).

England didn't force James to become king or to have a union of crowns.

Sounds to me like you're drunk on Lagavulin and running around in your backyard wearing a kilt thinking your William Wallace.

You're not. You're a moron on a chat board who doesn't know his ass from his elbow. Quick say something else in caps that proves how retarded you are


I wrote the most retarded thing possible. Happy?


Your mom likes calling my name too


Nobody is ever calling you, troll.

And since your futile arguments have failed you so miserably that you are left only with trollng, I'm gonna ignore you from now on.


Then why is euroskepticism growing within the EU? Look how hard the EU fought to keep GB in. Why would they do that if they truly recognized the sovereignty of member states? It is all moot anyway, as since Scotland wouldn't be a net contributor (among other reasons), all 27 member states opposed Scotland joining.


Yeah, they'd rather be ruled from Brussels than from London. Their ancestors would be shocked at what happened to their sense of independence.


I’d like to think they could break free from the chains but it’s of most importance that they hold on for one more day.


Funny, I never figured that was a freedom song.


What song?


Hold on


Ok, I’ll be waiting.


You've been waiting for a month now.


And boy are my arms tired.


The Scots are too stupid, compliant and fearful to stand on their own.

A large part of why they voted against independence when they got the chance was fear of losing the British currency. That was all it took rather than any reasoned thinking about whether the country should stand on its own.

Then, ironically, those seem people were whinging just a year or two later when they were voted out of the EU against their own will, having just decided their "own will" didn't exist 😂.


Absolutely baffles me how these idiots want freedom just to turn around and join the fucking EU.

LOL they want servitude, freedom scares them.


They are so brainwashed into serving they never knew the word freedom.


OP is proof of that




They will "serve" the EU as much as California serves the US.

You should get over yourself you little shit, you speak for the past.
But don't worry in Europe nobody cares about defeatists like you, you can just stay there and keep yapping your ignorant lies while the continent moves forward, UNITED IN FREEDOM.


Talking about stuff you don't understand again.
Scotland is welcome to stop being a burden to England anytime it wants. Truth is it doesn't want.


Besides your wicked and ignorant pov, why do you feel they dont want to?

You think deep down they prefer to "leech off" such a great state as England over being free to stand on their own?

From here it looks like Scots are NOT that welcome as you pretend, England is shitting itself over losing its little "kingdom" and wll try anything to stop this (including covering them with money).
So it's a win win situation for Scotland, I just hope they will opt for independance this time instead of a little temporary handout.


Besides your wicked and ignorant pov, why do you feel they dont want to?

Wicked? They had a referendum and voted not to leave. An inconvenient truth for you I realise, but a truth nonetheless. So instead of labelling others with ignorance look in the mirror.

From here it looks like Scots are NOT that welcome as you pretend, England is shitting itself over losing its little "kingdom" and wll try anything to stop this (including covering them with money).

Not sure where you get this from but most people in England would rather they stay, but only if they want to. Otherwise they can fuck the fuck off. When you say from here, where is here to you?

So it's a win win situation for Scotland, I just hope they will opt for independance this time instead of a little temporary handout.

Win win? How so?
If they want to go then go they will. But I can guarantee you that if they vote to stay AGAIN, then the likes of Sturgeon will keep banging on about further referendums until SHE gets the result SHE wants!

But they already voted to stay


So you're basing your opinion solely on one referendum from 6 years ago? Before brexit?
That is an ignorant pov. I thought you were using some better basis for your opinion, like modern tracking or some field polling.
Anybody can tell you what the result of a referendum from 2014 is.
I can also tell you what happened when they voted for Hitler, would you believe that that doesn't hold true anymore? Shit, unbelievable!
Silly me, to base my opinion on recent polls and the obvious, very public fiasco that brexit was.

It's a win win for Scotland because either they vote to leave, and gain their freedom, or they stay shackled, and gain a ton of money from England who will promise them everything but the kitchen sink to keep them under UK.


So you're basing your opinion solely on one referendum from 6 years ago? Before brexit?
That is an ignorant pov.

That's a really poor argument given the fact that Brexit referendum was already on the table and scheduled WHEN the Scottish Independence referendum took place.

i.e. Every single Scot who voted against independence did so knowing that they were effectively voting Scotland a region which could subsequently be removed from the EU quite justly.

The additional irony here was that the unionists (who'd subsequently campaign for Brexit) used the fear of an independent Scotland not being allowed entry into the EU to scare EU nationals living in Scotland - and with the right to vote - to vote against independence...


Oh dear. you should really check what you post before posting.

2013. David Cameron promises a referendum to decide whether or not the UK stays in the EU. It was always a possibility that the vote could go the way it did. This was a full year before Scotland voted to stay as a part of the UK. They voted to remain as part of the UK knowing the Brexit referendum was coming.
So you really think that they should have another referendum to decide whether or not to remain a part of the UK simply because the SNP didn't like the result?

If you believe in democracy (you never said where you are from) then what are you banging on about? If they'd voted to leave and it wasn't honoured then fair enough. It seems you think Braveheart is a documentary about Scotland today.

Let Scotland leave the UK and try to re-join the EU and see what happens. The whole fiasco over the covid 19 vaccine tells you exactly what they can expect from the EU.


California gives more to the federal government than it gets back so again you prove you're an idiot


So you define slavery by how a state gives more to the federal government than it gets back?

Are you fucking nuts?

Obviously, in a federation based on mutual assistance and benefit, the richer states give more than they take, to help the poorer states that take more than they give.
Neither one is a slave.


Donald will turn that country into a paradise more than Martha'a Vineyard. I bet the Obamas will have a summer house there.


Donald Duck?


Guys, please take it elsewhere. You’re not going to convince each other, or sway each other’s opinion. It will just be a never ending pissing match. Be the better man and just let it go.


I think I agree with you, I'll let go responding to these ignorant idiots.
But my op remains a valid question, I just won't respond anymore to brexiter trolls.
I am still interested to know if you think Scotland will go out of the UK.


What you really mean is you can't argue with the truth.
Your tacit concession is noted.

Just one question. Did you support the actions of the Trump supporters regarding what happened at the Capitol Building?


It's kind of ironic that this thread was made today of all days given Scotland finally managed to beat England at rugby at Twickenham for the first time in about 40 years.

Nothing more embarrassing than the faux nationalism of Scottish rugby fans. The very people who will be toasting victory over the "auld enemy" tonight, after singing about "rising and being that nation again" are the same people who couldn't vote no in the referendum quickly enough 😂...


Ok, why do you think they are like this?
They just love to pretend they hate Englishmen?
Are they powerless in an abusive relationship?
Are they simply hypocrites?
What is the logic?


Are they powerless in an abusive relationship?

Given the aforementioned fear Scots had of losing their means of financial support (i.e. the "British" pound) which led to a no vote, that's an excellent analogy. Well said...


Well ok, but the first thing you should do in an abusive relationship is GET OUT, no matter what the other side is doing to lure you back in.
Don't they know this?


You're not even Scottish, what do you care?


He's LARPing in his backyard


I have 2 awesome Scotties right here, I am an adoptive Scot;-)
