MovieChat Forums > Braveheart (1995) Discussion > When does the time jump happen?

When does the time jump happen?

So the Battle of Falkirk was in 1298 and Wallace died in 1305. The scene where Wallace smells the ambush and torches the hut had to have taken place in 1305 because that very night he knocked up the Princess and she wasn’t even showing when Wallace died (so maybe a couple of months passed in between). So am I correct in saying that 7 years just passed after Wallace killed Mornay?


It is not a documentary, it did not even make a claim of basing on a true story.

Movies tell stories, like the narration did, though I do understand there are people can't tell the difference.


Ummm I never said it was a documentary, genius. Are you saying that the movie is saying Wallace died in 1298?

Also no reason to be rude, shit for brains.


I was not even trying to be rude, but clearly you are.


You said I couldn’t understand the difference between a movie and a documentary, you were being rude. Please stop trolling my thread.


I did not say that. But I can see I am not dealing with someone reasonable, so I am going to put you on ignore list from now on.


You will be missed.


You're being a sarcy c*nt, then.


And you just earned a spot on my ignore list.


Boo fucking hoo


The film isn't historically accurate, much was pure fiction
