is it incest?

I mean, they have the same biological father but different mothers.


They do not have the same biological father, actually. Cher's father is Josh's STEPHfather. So the answer is 'no'.


Wat voor spellen verkoop je dan???


If that were true it would be, but they do not have the same father. They were step-siblings with completely different biological parents, and Josh grew attached to her father so that's why he still comes around even after the divorce. It is still weird though.


They're not related and it's not weird. I'd bang Paul Rudd too.


I'm not sure, but it IS weird. Their families were different biologically, but Josh obviously felt close to Cher's father, presumably in a family way. He constantly hung around his house, and he may not have particularly seen Cher as a sister. Yet there is somewhat of a 'family' vibe, with them both seeing Cher's father as a father figure at all.


No. Incest is when two people who are related are involved in a sexual relationship...


cousins dont count


No they don't!!
Her dad married his mum, they are not related at all.
Then his mum and her dad divorced so they are nothing to each other


The creepiest thing was that he was a college student and she was just 15/16.


If the movie was set in Alabama, yes.
