MovieChat Forums > Congo (1995) Discussion > blowing up the satellite

blowing up the satellite

she was mad at her boss for not caring that his son was dead but my have put a lot of people out of work id be mad if i lost my jog like like that anybody else


she could have at least sold the diamon and given the money to charity. dumb women protagonists in this and titanic.

side-scrolling beat'em up database.


Goodness,I don't think because she was a woman she threw the diamond back. It wasn't like she said ''Oh I have a vagina, let me throw this diamond back''.

Lets take into account some things:
assuming they make it out alive(the movie does NOT imply whether they ACTUALLY live or die. It was left open ended ''lets hope the wind takes us someplace good'')

1. They might get searched and questioned by the time they get across the border.
2. She most likely wont be able to simply board a plane with the diamond the size of an adult human hand in her pocket. They probably feel that they should not let her out of the country with it.
3. Assuming she makes it onto the plane with it. She has to come back through customs in America. If anything they will make her record it and declare it, pay taxes etc etc. It is going to be one hell of a hassle.
4. The above plan was if she was going on this route alone. She more than likely will need the help of the company she worked for to even smoothly and successfully get the thing into the country, and the ceo is just going to take it from her anyway for his own use, and she went through hell to get it, and she lost the life of her love, and the lives of many other innocent people. And the guy is a ceo he could probably have her murdered if she tried to keep the diamond from him.

so she did herself a favor, and as respect for all those who died, to throw it away.


Exactly. It's common knowledge that women LOVE diamonds. So how could she throw it away? I think it's a plot woman would throw away a diamond like that.


hahahaa is right vaderrock, the heartless wench!


What did Karen Ross gain by tossing the diamond overboard?


The satisfaction that her boss (and potential father in law) could never use the diamond.

It was payback for him caring more about the diamond than his own son's death.

If she brought the diamond back, assuming she could've gotten it through customs, she'd almost HAVE to give it to him, moral wise. I don't think there'd be any way him not knowing she had it unless she never went back to the US, let alone TraviCom.


This is a pretty old topic but I’m gonna answer it anyway, I’ve got 5 min. to kill.

It’s actually quite shocking judging by this thread how so many people don’t get the ending, of her destroying the satellite and the diamond toss. So being a woman myself perhaps I can answer this adequately, since even though the book was written by a man, the screenplay was written by a man and it was directed by a man, some airheads have assigned gender as playing a roll in this egregious act, if not the prime motivator. [rolls eyes at the stupidity]

The answer: It was symbolic, she didn’t go there for a diamond. That’s about as succinct an answer as I can possibly give. But I’ll elaborate further just for fun.

Ok, from the get-go we understand that the father (Travis) is a dickwad and doesn’t give a *beep* about his own son, ok that’s understood. We also understand his first and only love is his company and anything that will help him keep his company on the forefront gets his unwavering devotion. Dr. Ross understood that, which is why she threatened him in the beginning of the movie.

But it is personal for her, she’s the ex-fiancee and obviously still cares for his son, Charles. He’s the only reason for her going.

Ok, now after everything they’ve gone through, after almost being killed in every possible way, I would imagine at some point she’s developing a pretty solid hate for the man that put them all there to begin with. It’s all because of Travis and his precious company that Charles may be dead and that they all may die, horribly. So by the time she finds out Charles’ fate, after nearly everyone they know were killed and after narrowly getting out with their lives, do any of you honestly think she gives a rat’s ass about a diamond? Or a satellite? Or the ramifications? I wouldn’t.

If I were her I would use every one of my resources as an ex-CIA agent to help me out and gouge Travis and his company.

If I were her I’d chuck the diamond too, I wouldn’t want one cent from it because it’s blood money, Charles’ blood.

Another reason to chunk it is so Travis can’t have it. Another reason to chunk is so Travis’ competitors can’t have it. No one in these super companies deserve to have access to that kind of energy source. Shooting the satellite was like shooting Travis, and since she couldn’t do that, she killed the satellite. It wasn’t as satisfying I’m sure but it’s something.

This was just my interpretation.

Just cuz u think my opinions r wrong doesn’t automatically make ur’s right--Geesh!!


VERY good answer, sweetmystique. As a female, I totally agree with your answer.

"If I don't suit chu, you kin cut mah thoat!"


Somehow I don't think "he didn't love his son enough" is going to hold up in court when she gets sued/jailed for intentionally destroying a hundred million dollar piece of corporate property. She's probably going to need to go into hiding for awhile and that diamond was her last bargaining chip in a war torn country where protection can go to the highest bidder.


Didn't she work for the CIA? She could still have some friends in high places...


What proof is there that she destroyed anything??? I only saw one operational laser, that no one knew about, and didn't she throw it away in the river when they were running to catch the balloon??


I was just a kid when this movie came out, and I never once questioned why she tossed the diamond. I thought it was rather obvious that the search or it lead to one disaster after another. Her boss was a greedy megalomaniac, and the best way to get back at him wasto disrupt his biggest cashflow source.

Anyone who's ever been mad at the company they work for fantasizes about fun and creative ways to bring the whole thing crashing down. This movie offers wish fulfilment in seeing that come to fruition. I thought it was great.
