MovieChat Forums > Don Juan DeMarco (1995) Discussion > Johnny Depp as a Latin lover?

Johnny Depp as a Latin lover?

Come on now, who wouldn't want to see some of that?

[SPOILER] Although I do think he's at his sexiest when he's fooling the doctors into thinking he's "normal" again. ;) Very sexy.

And FUNNY as always.

*sigh* How lucky can you get when your favorite actor plays a Latin lover? ;)


I so agree. The only thing I found too unreal was the object of his great love. That girl was just not even pretty IMHO.
Johnny was much too good looking for her.


She was supposed to shine from the inside, but I didn't see that either.


I think that people have a lot of complaints about this movie because it has a sort of unsure ending (and unbelievable for that matter). But they are missing the essence of this movie! Don Juan truly knows what he is talking about in that speech about how Dr. Mickler has an unending need for a world where love is flawed and unreal will choke him until there is no life left in him. The movie is about believing in the unbelievable and just accepting things (love, in this case) for what they are. In fact, my favorite part is at the end when he just says, "Why not?"
As for Marlon Brando--weird as he is, we all have our flaws. Regardless of what his issues were throughout the movie, I totally forgot about them because the movie was so good.


The only problem i had with the movie, was the idea that Johnny/Don Juan was suppose to be 21...I wish i could find a 21 year old like that!!!

*Its a shame about raisins*



Oh I know, I wish I could find a 21 year old don juan cause I have never had a man in my life and I sure could use some of his passion right now

"Oh yeah, things may get a wee bit dangerous there sugarbutt so... can you dig it?" (OUATIM)


i did find the age as 21 a bit strange... especially as depp was 31/32 when he did this movie!!! still, as a latin lover, = brilliant


21 years old is the typical age for males to experience schizophrenia.


I am sorry but that is not true, both sexes usually experience the onsets of schizophrenia in their early to mid thirties.- However, i did not find it believable that he was 21, they should have made him in his late twenties atleasst.

Sluty, they don't even wear knickers." - Kiera Knightly dissing Spears and Lohan



Oh my... once again you prove how superficial people in this world can be!
Always looks, looks and looks! I am disappointed.


Well it is a movie, which is mostly visual, besides the sounds. And people are talking about that, too.
The point is they all want a Don Juan to live in their closet and fulfill all their sexual fantasies.
Because we all want a Don Juan of our own. XD
(Heck, even I'll admit that I could use a Don Juan. Or even, like, an Errol Flynn.)


Not beautiful? Are you kidding? Maybe you'd have to be a girl to see that she's really beautiful, a bit like Audrey Hepburn.

"By Grabthar's Hammer.......what a savings....."


As Don Juan said at one point:
"When I say that all my woman are dazzling beauties, they object. The nose of this one is too large; the hips of another, they are too wide; perhaps the breasts of a third, they are too small. But I see these women for how they truly are... glorious, radiant, spectacular, and perfect... because I am not limited by my eyesight."


really? i found dona ana to be beautiful!
i thought she was so enchanting in every scene that she was in


I think he was hotter in that movie than any other..ever. I heart him.




I just finished watching this movie for the upteenth time and every time it gets more beautiful. Johnny of course is beath taking but the whole essence of the movie is so uplifting so lovely so warm so wonderful. I just have this big smile and when I put the DVD in I was really down. So many of his movies will do this to me. I just can't imagine life without Johnny movies.



This was the first movie I watched him in, way back in '96 I remember picking it up with my parents and though Hmm wonder who Jonny Depp is? But we got it because of Mr. Brando. We were all blown away by the movie. This movie is brilliant and anyone that says otherwise has missed the point of the movie.

Truly one of the best movies ever, its a shame it wasnt recieved better when it came out.


Just finished watching Don Juan (the disc is a double feature that has Don Juan and The Astronuats Wife on it). Both of which are my favorite johnny depp movies at the moment. yes i totally agree that when he was fooling the doctors into thinking he's "normal" he looked sexy. yeah who wouldn't want to see or have a don juan in your life. yep it's funny and gets better and better after watching it over and over again.

"Hey, You Guys!" Sloth from The Goonies


I gotta agree with you on that one, slysolace87 ... he is my favorite actor too and I think this is his sexiest role.. Love it!


He is every girl's dream in this movie. Period! :)

Life is precious, and it’s our own - not any god’s.


<<I am sorry but that is not true, both sexes usually experience the onsets of schizophrenia in their early to mid thirties.- However, i did not find it believable that he was 21, they should have made him in his late twenties atleasst.>>

I'm not going to argue whether or not Johnny Depp looked a certain age. But it's one hundred percent true that the typical onset age for any mental illness is the early 20s. In fact, there are studies that show that if you can make it to 25 without developing symptoms, your chances of having a mental illness later in life are greatly reduced.

What Would Leatherface Do?


I watched this with my best friend years ago because I love JD to pieces and wanted her to see it, and she hated it because she thought that he went round trying to bang as many girls as he could and that was that. I took a totally different *romantic* approach to that obviously! But I agree with the poster who said the best part was when he was *sane* again towards the end, just pure Johnny there, very nice!!
I agree about the girl who was his love interest on the island, while she has a natural beauty, she wasn't really believable enough to translate to a relationship of longing and lust that Johnny would have had for her.


Johnny as a Latin lover actually works very well.
He was so convincing and natural in the role,as if it was his regular accent. And when he started to talk "sane" at the end it was so unexpected. Like it was not his normal way of talking:)

Very good role indeed. I think it's one of Johnny's best. He's very under-appreciated for this role!


"she thought that he went round trying to bang as many girls as he could and that was that."

Haha, yep, that's pretty much what the original Don Juan was like. He was just a womanizing jerk who got off on succesful conquests. But Depp's Don Juan was much more romantic, and not sinister (and I think based off Lord Byron's version, which I'm less familiar with but I know was more sympathetic).

