Anyone notice the similarities?


sorry.. no..

well. maybe a little.. :D haha

"I'm a stranger to you. You have no idea what I am capable of."


Definitely! Found myself thinking of KPAX throughout.


But then K-PAX also reminded me of One Flew Over The Cuckoo's Nest.


close, but no banana.

We're not soldiers and he's not the enemy. He's a pizza man.


Agh! Personally, I found K-PAX quite cloying, while this one's more self-consciously playful. But yes, the broad theme is similar.

It's shocking to see how many PotC fans are unable to spell the word "eunuch".



K-Pax is a movie http://uk.imdb.com/title/tt0272152/

A signature is a quote you can have appear at the end of each one of your posts, e.g. "I'm a stranger to you. You have no idea what I am capable of." in Ellebel_NL's message above. You can set it in your profile. Just please don't go overboard with the smileys... (sooo annoying). http://uk.imdb.com/help/show_leaf?boardspersonalprofile

Thats my good deed done for the day... I think I need a lie down after that, its hard work being nice!


How do you get smileys?

Whats a signature??????????


OK, now you're just taking the piss.



No no, his signature is "What's a signature?"

Get it?


K-PAX??? where did ya get K-PAX??? Don Jaun is a love story...K-PAX is like sci-fi...and you find out if it was real or not in the end...this one you don't...

Oh Johnny Oh! how i wish you were
my own!!! i love you johnny oh!


speaking about it, may be i can think of some similarities,

BUT: K-Pax is about a man, trusting his own believes, while DHM is about a man, believing he can escape from a world, he doesn't like - although he realises that *beep* world exists

and: Marlon Brando's character actually learn a lot from his patience, while the other dr. in k-pax, try to teach the guy some sence

but both movies are great. love them both



This didn't remind me of KPAX. I found KPAX more believable. The protagonist really from another planet. While I did not believe the younger protagonist as the fabled lover.

she loved poetry and romance, but she hit the glass ceiling at birth
