MovieChat Forums > Hackers (1995) Discussion > This movie is great..

This movie is great..

Its on Amazon Prime right now and I'm watching it.. I remember first seeing this in the mid 90s I was a little kid and had AOL lol and had all these little stupid "hacking" programs that would just like spam chatrooms and dumb *beep* like that anywayyy I remember seeing this movie at the video store and renting it and loving it.. Rewatching it now the script is very corny but it has a charm to it and also I still think it has a cool visual style to it.. like people always complain about the parts where they are hacking and it looks like they are flying through cities I don't think these parts are meant to be taken literally I think the city flying sequences are meant to be how the hackers see it in their minds eye or whatever..

Anyway I'm ranting.. Does anyone else like this movie?


Lots of people love this movie for all the same reasons. It's wicked cool to watch, very quotable and easy to rewatch, and it exists in a world that I think we all find kinda cool.


It's a really fun movie that screams 90s which is perfect for the dark noir feel it has.

If this type of movie came out post 2000 it would have probably sucked. Plus it's full of nostalgia.

Awesome soundtrack too
