MovieChat Forums > Hackers (1995) Discussion > Hackers ( Review) Late Hacker

Hackers ( Review) Late Hacker

Thought of not giving this film a shot. Based on many screenshots. It looked so weird, ugly, and kinda nerdy. Jolie looked like a boy. They gave it enough times and now word hackers mean something unlike back in the day. So I saw it recently. I really liked it. My type of film. It had weird actors I like in it. The Black guy from the crow. I had thought that was his only movie. The arab guy from Short Circuit 2. Scream Actor who I've always been a fan of. Lorraine Braco from the sopranos in a sexy role. Fbi black guy whos in a lot of stuff. Most of these actors are unrecognizable in these roles. If I werent good in films I wouldnt recognize them and in such odd but cool roles. The roles that they are typical famous for doesnt suit them in the sense that you can tell they've got talent and could do such much more. I enjoyed watching these stars in cool 90's trip films.

Now to get to the story. Though Im sure back in the day some people knew what hacking was I dont think is as relevant as it is today. Im sure this film wouldve been more successful had it been made today. Perphaps a reboot. So many cool 90's films fall victim to this like Johnny Dmnoneic. I think the matrix though hard to believe is a good example of this. It probably wouldve made more money today since even than the world wasnt as gadgety as it is today.

Dont know why Anjelina doesnt get recognize for this. She used to make such cool bad ass films in the 90's. But shes mostly recognize for the new big budget films. In this film she was almost ugly. Her character was cool and interesting. Ive always enjoyed the cool trip chick that was down with tech stuff but not she looked almost like a boy. You can easily tell she got a ton of surgery and probably had to to get where she is now. But my question is was it really worth it? I much prefer her back in the day even with all her uglyiness.

So in conclusion Im glad I finally watched this now. Though I probably wouldve enjoyed it back in the day. I personally didnt get into technology way later in life. Waaayyyy Laaatttterr. So watching it now I got to understand it much better.


LOL, c'mon bro. Angelina was not ugly in this movie. In fact I don't think she's ever looked hotter.

But I concur that it's a really good film. A great one, even. It has great characters, a very solid cast, an interesting plot, and the way it builds the world of the hacker community is truly excellent. I first saw this movie in my teens and I just wanted to jump through the screen and join these guys in their adventures.

Sadly, it seems to be a largely forgotten movie these days. It definitely deserves cult classic status and deserves to be remembered, and revisited, more than it is. I do remember that it was pretty popular back in the 90s so I'm a little surprised there was never a sequel.

In fact, shiiiiit, I think I'll hop over to Amazon right now and pick this one up on Blu-Ray.


I’ve thought she’d look much hotter in other films. She had short boyish hair with a tomboy look. She’s looked better like in Tomb Raider. More feminine. But dont worry in time her hacker has grown on me.

Yea Im disappointed I didnt jump to watch it. I remember I used to go to the theaters a lot and skipped this film though I thought of watching it but was glad I skipped when it bombed. One of the reasons I wanted to skip was because I didnt have a computer and actually hated technology back then and who’d want to be on a computer all day to go out and watch a movie about computers? Check your mail, chat, and stuff and go out and watch a film about it. If anything it might want to make you go home and check AOL, Email, and chat with friends. Who’d knew then AOL wouldnt last? I used to love it but then it became hated. I never knew why. Then it disappeared. I didn’t know the main actors and the film gave off a bad druggie vibe. I only knew and liked the scream actor which I liked but he looked odd with those goggles and didn’t have enough of a big role to keep me intrigued. He never made it big and I figured it was one of his duds. Till recent times they gave it a lot on cable, favourite channels, and I kept boycotting it thinking it was so awkward, ugly, and lame. They gave it enough times I must’ve left it in the background one time and loved it. I think one of the things that grabbed me was a non-hack part of it. The whole romance of crash and burn. How she kept putting him off and acting like she didnt like him and he kept chasing her. Something not so common anymore in today’s movie cultural. Had I known that back then I would’ve liked it much more. Then there’s the subliminal hacking cultural, and bad ass soundtrack. I also am a fan of the cast quite well. I think strangely this relates more now than it did then. With all the government cover ups, lies, and hacking going on. Even on our elections. Absurd.


I don't even remember this one going to theaters. The first time I saw I rented it from Blockbuster. I'd have been 14 then, and I didn't even really know what the Internet was. I didn't have a computer and had never gone online.

You're right that the soundtrack was great. I actually bought it and have listened to it many times over the years.

Glad to hear that you finally watched it and liked it. I also hoped there would be a sequel since it was a pretty popular movie in the 90s, but it never happened. To this day I wonder why. Seems like exactly the kind of film that would've gotten a Part II.

It's funny you say you weren't into computers and technology then. I'm the opposite. I was fascinated with technology all through the 90s and early 00s, but now I often wish we could go back to a time before the Internet was woven into the very fabric of our lives.


Well it’s definitely not forgotten by me and some communities. The cool hackers. lol.

I think part of the reason you don’t know it is forgotten is because the film actually bombed at the box office which was part of the reason I was glad I didn’t check it out then. Though the film actually did get cult status. Maybe it was popular in blockbuster or just your local area. I always try to keep it alive, promoting. I have the bluray and the 20th anniversary bluray if you’re interested. I can send you a link. I’m a hacker, remember? 🤣. You do know that crash and burn married, dont ya?


I actually ordered the Blu-Ray after I first responded to your OP, but I appreciate it. (Speaking of which, I was really hoping there would be more special features consider it's an anniversary release.)

I remember the film becoming popular after it hit VHS. I first got online around '97 and there was a lot of talk about it. Also alot of the young people I knew in the real world had seen it and liked it. It definitely had a following.
