no vagina ?

so is she like a barbie doll down there

"I was born on this ship and the world passed me by, a thousand people at a time"


like most manga heroines ive seen - including the non-cyborg ones.

japs have this avoidance in showing... "the thing", you know?

"It doesn't matter what Bram Stoker has told you... dead people don't come back from their graves"


They don't have an avoidance. They have a law.


Really? That's what you got out of the movie?

These movies wind up on Japanese TV. What do you expect?


No no noooo...

Precisely the fact it's a Japanese show. It's damn ironic. In the media they censor off the vagina. So we're left to assume the cyborg doesn't have it. But think. Wait a second. If the Japanese had such advanced cycernetic technology you think they wouldn't replicate cybernetic sex parts. Are you kidding me?

It's ironic.


No, he means literally, there is a law in Japan. As in, it is illegal to show genitalia in ANY media (with only exception being educational materials I assume). If its there, it must be censored out. This includes pornographic materials.

Though I'm sure it wasn't added for the reason you state and the fact that its largely unnecessary.


No pubic hair either.

"Friends are dangerous things" ~ John Cavil


Why in Dragon Ball Z could you see a young Goku and Young Gohan's gentiles?


Two reasons:
1) They were practically newborns.
2) No sexual context whatsoever.

"Welcome to the middle of nowhere-  -the center of everywhere."


Two reasons:
1) They were practically newborns.
2) No sexual context whatsoever.

Yeah, except in the REAL world, pedophiles who are in news for raping newborns will disagree with you.

So *beep* law, stupid law. End of story.


Pedophiles who rape newborns can go *beep* themselves. That still doesn't affect the non-sexual context in what I was replying to. Besides, people can find sexual arousal/gratification/whatever out of anything these days. It's unavoidable. Doesn't make non-sexual nudity sexual or forbidden all of a sudden.

"Welcome to the middle of nowhere-  -the center of everywhere."


Besides, people can find sexual arousal/gratification/whatever out of anything these days. It's unavoidable. Doesn't make non-sexual nudity sexual or forbidden all of a sudden.

You are contradicting yourself. If it is non-sexual to you, doesn't mean it isn't sexual for someone else.

Like people who have sex with automobiles. It happens. You don't think it is sexual but for them it is. Like serial killers who orgasm at the sight of blood.


Not really. I'm just saying. In context, the nudity wasn't sexual. It was natural and nothing but natural.

"Welcome to the middle of nowhere-  -the center of everywhere."



But sexuality is in the eye of the pervert watching the movie.

I didn't find it sexual as well. I didn't find the lead female attractive at all (too manly).



I don't think they wanted Motoko to be all that attractive anyway, probably to avoid turning her into the 'sex object' of the group. Or something like that. I don't know.

"Welcome to the middle of nowhere-  -the center of everywhere."


I thought the same thing. I wasn't sure if this was intentional or there was just a lack of detail in the film.


You only see her vagina briefly when her body is being created. She's not nude in the stealth scenes she's actually wearing a body suit that's a different color from her skin.


she's actually wearing a body suit that's a different color from her skin.

The artists apparently did a terrible job of demonstrating this judging by the number of people who ask that basic naked to be invisible question.



She's wearing a skin-tight suit.


A woman without a vagina is the same as a car without wheels!


you can't ride it, right?

