MovieChat Forums > Kôkaku kidôtai (1996) Discussion > Explain the trash truck man

Explain the trash truck man

Why was he warning the other guy? What was the involvement?


Basically, it goes like this: the Puppet Master hacked into the cyber-brains of both the garbageman and the other hacker (the guy with the submachine gun). As the garbageman says, the hacker guy overheard his sob-story about his wife divorcing him while they were in a bar one night, and the hacker guy offered to give him "breaker" devices that would allow him to hack into his wife's cyber-brain (because her lawyer wouldn't let him see their young daughter). The hacker guy left these devices along the garbageman's truck route so that he could accomplish this task. Unknown to the garbageman, however, the hacker guy was actually using him to hack into the cyber-brains of some high-level government officials because the hacker guy had been hired to assassinate a foreign politician in Japan. When Section 9 discovers that it's them behind the ghost-hacking of the government officials, the garbageman attempts to alert the hacker guy that the police know about their scheme, and a shoot-out and foot-chase ensues between the hacker guy and Section 9.

However, as we later find out, both men had been ghost-hacked by the Puppet Master and were living under simulated memories and experiences that weren't real.

In other words, they were both just victims of the Puppet Master.

Hope this helps.


Thank you, I had honestly never understood that in spite of seeing it many times, I don't know if it's me but anime is just hard to follow plotwise, the dialogues seem to be so random, there's little continuity for me. Why would the puppet master need to do that?? Couldn't he just hack the one assasin? Why does it need the garbageman and the other guy?


Don't quote me on it, but I believe that it stemmed from the Puppet Master's many, unsuccessful attempts at trying to infiltrate Section 6's computer network (which was too strong for it to overcome) - the ghost-hackings may have been a "back-door" attempt at gaining access, which were also unsuccessful due to Section 9's interference - before ultimately turning its attention toward Major Motoko Kusanagi.

That's one of part of the story that kind of confused me, too.


oh ok, and how did it knew the mannequin would be taken to section 6? Also, who were the people who stole it?


Do you mean after the Puppet Master constructed a prosthetic body for itself? If so, I don't think it knew it would be taken back to Section 6; it was just incidental that the prosthetic body got hit by a truck (remember, the driver assumed that he had hit a nude woman on the highway), and it was then turned over to Section 9 where they discovered that a ghost - the Puppet Master - was present in its back-up brain.

The guys who stole the Puppet Master's prosthetic body were agents who belonged to Section 6, who were trying to retrieve the Puppet Master because it contained evidence of clandestine activities that they would rather not get out to the public (or Section 9).


oh ok, why did it get into a body?? Sorry for so many stupid questions, I just go blank watching this movie, I don't know if it's the dub or what but it's hard to follow for me.


The Puppet Master assembled a cybernetic body for itself as a result of its inability to infiltrate Section 6's computer network. And then it got hit by the truck and was taken back to Section 9. One other thing that I forgot to mention once before is that it may have deliberately wanted to get captured so that it could get close to Major Motoko Kusanagi, whom it had taken a strong interest in (the whole thing about it becoming self-aware, becoming subject to the possibility of death, wanting to "merge" with Kusanagi's ghost as a form of reproduction and evolution, etc.).


and who was the people who took it and then went to were the tank was?


The men who took the Puppet Master were agents working for Section 6 who were acting under orders from their top brass to retrieve it from Section 9 to keep them from learning of their clandestine and - presumably - illegal government espionage activities. They went to the old museum because that was most likely their rendezvous with other agents from Section 6 (which was foiled by Kusanagi and Batoou).


True, you told me, I have no idea that even happens in the movie, I have no idea what's wrong with me. So the puppet master originates in section 6?=


Yes and no. The Puppet Master was originally a joint project between Section 6 and the United States government (Section 9 correctly theorizes that the Puppet Master is indeed American) for covert espionage work, intelligence gathering, data manipulation, and computer hacking. At some point, they lost control of it and then tricked it into diving into an artificial body in order to trap it. But it somehow or another escaped and disappeared into the 'Net, winding up in Japan where it began its unsuccessful cyber attacks against Section 6 and ghost-hacks of unsuspecting government officials and ordinary people alike. By this time, the Puppet Master had become self-aware and also began seeking out Major Motoko Kusanagi for reasons that have already been explained...


Thank you!!!


Great thread, very informative!
