MovieChat Forums > Kôkaku kidôtai (1996) Discussion > reasons why the live action remake won't...

reasons why the live action remake won't work

1. Its being made by stupid *beep* Americans and will most likely be set in NYC which will ruin everything.

2. Its basically a guarantee that the film will completely throw out the existential parts of the film (basically what makes the film what it is) and focus solely on the "crime drama" aspect of things.

3. The "crime drama" will either be extremely dumbed down or made needlessly over-complicated.

i could go on but i won't.

people, if you love the original we need to boycott or *beep* petition the american live action remake! once hollywood gets their grimy hands on anime they won't stop!! they are going to ruin everything starting with this and then Akira!!!


will most likely be set in NYC which will ruin everything.


people, if you love the original we need to boycott or *beep* petition the american live action remake! once hollywood gets their grimy hands on anime they won't stop!! they are going to ruin everything starting with this and then Akira!!!

Not really since I'll still have the original. A remake won't change my opinion of it.

I'm not sure how one version of a movie ruins another.

Can't stop the signal.


NYC does not equal Tokyo thats why. Japan is a very distinct place and it makes sense to have a technology-based story there. NYC does not have the same history with technology that Japan has. It would make more sense for cutting edge technology to based out of Japan rather than New York.

also if you don't see the issue with Americanizing/Whitening Japanese art or art from any other culture then you are part of the problem.

yes, you will always have the original but now when you mention the name people will think of the US version. Maybe that doesn't bother you but it should.


I was gonna say the same thing re: the whitening of the characters. This seems to happen often with remakes of South East Asian stories.


also if you're a creative person films like these should worry you. Hollywood never comes up with original ideas. they recycle old ideas to steal off their hype. which is why most movies that are created this way suck. there is no passion in it because no one making it REALLY cares about it. its just an attempt to cash in on an existing idea that people love.


Basically any foreign movie remade is ruined by American directors and actors.


Well, you DO have Scorsese's "The Departed," a remake of Infernal Affairs.


If one of your reasons are "Americans are making it" then you should rethink. Not every American made movie is bad you know? Saying this is almost as if I had said, "Oh this film is British so I can expect lots of tea drinking and fancy men in suits dancing around like all Britain's."
That's not the case. Yes America does have quite a few bombs but so does every other country right? Not every Japanese movie is phenomenal. Same goes for America as well. Every country is guilty of producing garbage here and there.
I'm just saying, Japan has made *beep* movies and so has America. Let's not judge a movie that's no where to being released until you see it?


Cartoons and anime are not really my thing, so when I watched Ghost in the Shell, I thought on several occasions: wow, how cool that would look in a live action movie! I am glad they are making a live action version of it. But my condition is that they try to make it as similar to the 1995 original as possible. The philosophical themes must stay. Frankly, I see no reason to fear that they will cut these themes. I hope the slow musical sequences will also be present. It would be nice if they used the same eerie vocal music. I don't know why the hired Scarlet Johanson for the lead, I would have been perfectly fine with Asian actors (and I'm not Asian myself). Overall, I am excited about the live action remake. And if it should suck, the original will always be there.



sorry only losers stalk other peoples message board history and hold it against them in a different message board. you really can't get any more pathetic than that. go back to looking at suicidal memes and pretending you're not a complete garbage person

