A few questions

1. Who is cyborg and who is human?
2. What is a ghost and what is a shell?
3. Why are they speaking with their lips closed sometimes?
4. What's the difference between sections 9 and 6?
5. What's the significance of the first scene where she acted like an assassin?
6. Why does she strip when she engages in combat?
7. What happened in the end?

In other words I didn't get anything.


me too i want yo know :(


The main thing I didn't understand was "ghosts". What are the ghosts they were constantly talking about - the girl said something about her ghost; then there was talk about the ghost of some politician getting hacked. So, what are these ghosts?

The girl was obviously a cyborg, to a large extent. But I didn't quite get if she had been built as a robot or if she had been more human before.

She could apparently talk, with mouth closed, to other cyborgs and people through some connection.

She seemed to undressed so as to use the camouflage. But that was strange, because one of the guys she was chasing used the camouflage while fully dressed. So why did the girl need to undress for that? To please the male viewers, I would guess.

Sections 6 and 9 seemed to be some police departments, or some such stuff. But I didn't fully understand that either.


I might be wrong on some things but here are my answers:

1. Almost everybody is a cyborg. I think they mention that the chief of Section 9 doesn't have any enhancements but even Togusa (the quy with the revolver) has an implant in his brain. The Major and probably also Batou have completely artificial bodies with just a few bits of human brain. They said that there are no cyborgs in Section 6 because they have to work in foreign countries where cyborgs might be illegal.

2. I assume the ghost is something like the "soul" of someone. The Major has a ghost because she was a normal human once even if she is now almost 100% artificial. But the Puppet Master claims he has a ghost as well although he never was human. So one of the main questions in Ghost in the Shell is if only humans can have a soul and if that is true how can someone like the Major still have a soul if she isn't really human anymore.

3. They can communicate directly through their brain implants without actually talking.

4. If I remember correctly Section 6 is responsible for foreign intelligence and Section 9 for domestic intelligence. So if you compare it to the USA you could say Section 6 = CIA, Section 9 = FBI.

5. Some foreign agents wanted to take a programmer out of Japan which was a security risk because programmers and hackers are treated like weapons. I think it was later revealed that the programmer was also involved in the creation of the puppet master. The Major killed the foreign agent to stop them from taking the programmer and Section 6 was pissed off because foreign agents are their responsibility.

6. She doesn't. Whenever she becomes invisible she is wearing a skin tight flesh colored suit. It is a slightly different color than her skin and you can also see a neckline in some shots (for example: http://www.imdb.com/title/tt0113568/mediaviewer/rm4261745920).

7. She merged with the Puppet Master creating something new. You could say the girl at the end is kind of like the child of her and the puppet master. Although the in world explanation for her new body is that Batou couldn't find anything better, the fact that it is a childlike body hints at this.

I hope this helps and I didn't get something terribly wrong 😃


I watched the move only yesterday and countZero87 is right with everything 😄
