MovieChat Forums > Kôkaku kidôtai (1996) Discussion > How has nobody made the connection to Ne...

How has nobody made the connection to Neuromancer on this board?

I mean the connections are endless, from the idea of how the viruses are used, the cyberpunk aspects of course, the phreaking/hacking, the black market of cybernetics, the sprawl, the mirrored glasses of Molly on Bateau I believe etc.

But the real problem I have with the 'influence' here is that this plot is almost completely derived from Neuromancer. Diving into the net to hack things, and the Puppet Master is basically Wintermute, and the idea of the Puppet Master wanting to merge with Motoko is the climax of Neuromancer with Wintermute wanting to merge with Neuromancer and go off and be free in the Matrix/Net. Anyone who has read Neuromancer would have seen this coming a mile away. The rest of the film is just a detective story.

I liked the film. I find it exceptionally well made, directed, acted. The visuals are stunning, but how has no one made the connection to Neuromancer yet? Have not enough people read the book or something? And to clarify, Neuromancer was re-written after Gibson saw Blade Runner, because he felt everyone would feel he had ripped off Bladerunner with his futuristic vision, so he re-wrote the majority of the book. This has WAY more to do with Neuromancer than with Bladerunner. The entire climax of this film is Neuromancer, and the other influences are amazingly apparent.


Why do you assume they haven't? Maybe they have, but don't think it's interesting to talk about? You haven't discovered anything new here, bubba.

Maybe thinking about this and Neuromancer bored them into a coma. I know I'm getting close now.



i guarantee dozens of people (myself included) have connected the dots on that one. Neuromancer is THE seminal cyberpunk story. yes there are a lot of connections but the main difference here is that Ghost in the Shell is far more existential than Neuromancer. Not to say that Neuromancer isn't existential it just isn't the main point of the story. i think the filmmakers took ample inspiration from Neuromancer but expanded on some of the ideas about AI.


We knew back when the manga came out. There's not much point in discussing the connection in films like Bladerunner, Akira, and this because they themselves are just echoes of the original works. Cut down, dumbed down and streamlined for mass consumption.
