Casting Kusanagi

Although I'm always excited to see more of Margot Robbie (heh), I don't see her as Major Kusanagi. So my question is: who do you think should play the Major? I would prefer someone not strictly American, who's in her 30s. The first two to come to mind so far are Natalie Portman and Gal Gadot. I want actresses who have shown themselves to be decent action actresses who can blur the line by being not exactly American. Does anyone else have any worthwhile ideas?


My only choice would be Rinko Kikuchi. Since seeing her in Pacific Rim, I've thought she'd be perfect for the role.


I really like this idea.


Since I saw her in The Brothers Bloom I'll watch anything with Rinko Kikuchi. She's an incredible actress.


Rila Fukushima,Rinko Kikuchi,Tao Okamoto,Jamie Chung or Claudia Kim

You want tah fack wit me? You ah fACKING chioah boi compahed tu me ah chioah boi


Margot Robbie would have been a lot better than Scarlett.

Dude, that was SO not extreme!
