MovieChat Forums > Money Train (1995) Discussion > Is it just me, or was Robert Blake hilar...

Is it just me, or was Robert Blake hilarious in this...

Ha ha ha ha ha... LOL

I die laughing every time I think about his character in the movie. I know almost all of his lines by heart...

"Did I say that? I didn't say that. All I said was... bad things seem to happen around you two.. and.. some money got... looost."

"You two may have your nuts in a rigger"

"Oh I get it... black brother, white brother, LA-tino sis-ter"

"Hey, sweetpea, how's your cock workin' now that you ain't got no badge? Here's what I think of you, you f#ckup!" *spit*

LOL.. they're all hilarious, but the first one kills me every time I think about it. I even know how to recite it in the exact way his character does in the film. Did anybody else find Blake's character repulsively funny as I did?

And has he played any other sort of roles in the past, that allowed him to be comically sarcastic, or even spiteful as he was in this film? I just thought he was a little funny.. lol

I'm not a control freak, I just like things my way


"It says that you two are brothers. You are a white man. You are a Negro. Is someone trying to f--k me?"




Yeah, I forgot about that one too..

I'm not a control freak, I just like things my way


what about "What are you two bags of sh*t doing here? You aint even cops nomore."


I don't, man.. somethin' about that guy in this movie was just hilarious to me. I've never even seen any of his other performances, I don't think. I just know that he did or did not kill his wife. He was still funny as the 'creep of a villain' in this movie though ;)

I'm not a control freak, I just like things my way



Yea that guy was funny

"you're right on the edge you're a wreck looking for someplace to happen ill be there and ill *beep* ya dead"

"sit down and dont bleed on my chair"

"i dont like you so dont *beep* with my train again if you do we will tangle ass and you will lose"


Ha ha ha ha ha ha.. I forgot some of the ones you added. LOL, hilarious stuff, man..

I'm not a control freak, I just like things my way



You will notice that Blake lived long enough to transform into the character he played in MONEY TRAIN. It happened during his trial, when his true self emerged. Scary, not funny.


I've never liked Robert Blake, and when I read he killed his wife, it made me hate him even more.

I always had a feeling that he was really like his character in Money Train, even before I read about him and his wife.

He is one of those 'true' A$$holes!


Yeah very funny I laugh at all of his scenes in the movie

"Sit down and don't bleed on my chair"

"I'm sure its a very touching story and uhh SHUT UP!!!!!!"

"Hey sweetpea hows your cock workin now that you aint gotta badge no more"

"Go ahead take a bite of me you'll be lickin your @$$hole for month to get the taste outta your mouth!"



Um no. That movie was made befor Blake went to trial for murder.


When I started watching I had missed the beginning and the first scene I saw was Blake chewing the bros out for the first time (I think).

The way he was talking "MY moneytrain" and that he didn't care the guards shot a guy made me believe he was actually a mobster big boss and not a government official.

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hey...i thought i wasn't the only one who guessed're sure right.The first time i saw the way Robert Blake acted in this movie all the way to the end,it never occured to me that he was the MTA chief,cos' he seemed like a mobster boss to me until i read in the Net that he was responsible for controlling the subway. Also,his weird motive for donning that tuxedo while preparing to catch the two brothers for robbing his train is reminiscent of mob bosses preparing to enjoy the moment of catching their prey


i like everything...i love where he has his finger on woody's head

"YOU kiss it....good-bye! *eyes wide open* cause you're busted punk, you're fired!"

the sweet-pea one always gets me in was so random...the first time, i shared snipes reaction

the face he does at lopez after he says "are they lucky?...officer....santiaaaaago?" carefully...he balloons his cheeks and looks at her really intently



Ha ha ha ha ha... yeah, the "you're busted, you're fired" line trips me out too. Man, Robert Blake really murdered this role (in a good way). I can't believe how funny he was. And what's a tragedy is the fact that I've never seen him in anything else (I don't think). The only other time I've ever heard his name is in regards to his murder trial..

I'm not a control freak, I just like things my way


"sir people might die!?"..."then that's what we live with."

"as far as im concerned that kid is a goddamn HERO!" - speaking about a person shot dead stealing a necklace




W/O a doubt robert blake had me in tears.

"Is somebody trying to jack me off?"

"Your right on the edge. Your a wreck looking for some place to happen. Ill be there. And Ill **** ya dead...."

"I have a hunch, if you dig deep down in that commode you call a soul, you can come up with something."


Oh he totally was, LMAO!!

I loved the one you just mentioned ending in I'll BEEP ya dead....then the two of them on the way out discussing it, that was hysterical!

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