Chris Cooper's role

I can't really understand why Chris Coooper's character appeared in the movie. He seemed to be the villian but then he died very fast. You learned to know that he had some kind of past with Jennifer Lopez character, and I was interested to know how, but then he died and it was like nothing hade ever happened.

I can't understand what his character did in the movie, and if you know please tell me..


he didnt have a past with jennifer lopez character, he rememberd her when he set fire to that subway women he tryed to flee the scene but he got stopped by jennifer on the stairs of the subway,


he was just a small subplot


Okey. Still I can't understand what he was doing in the movie. Things that happen in movies use to have a meaning and have some sort of contrast with the main-plot. After he died, it was like he never had been there. Maybe I have seen to many good movies recently but still I think it's bad.


he is just a sub plot a little side story to the movie, they use his character to introduce wesley and woody's character to the audience..that is how i see it


He was introduced to get Charlie off the force.

If you rape a prostitute is it considered shoplifting?


He was introduced to be a badass.


That's true. The whole scene with him getting killed results in Charlie's being cut from the force, which then causes him to actually decide to rob the money train.


i agree what a waste there had to be a better reason for why Chris Cooper took that role--then again i hope he got paid a lot of loot for it if he was in it for the money.



He was awesome in an awesome movie, that's why.

"I am the ultimate badass, you do not wanna `*beep*` wit' me!" Hudson in Aliens.


