MovieChat Forums > Mr. Holland's Opus (1996) Discussion > Why did they cut the music program?

Why did they cut the music program?

What was their reason for cutting the music program, which led to Mr. Holland having to retire?


It was a question of finances, educational budget cuts or restructuring. The arts were deemed expendable by those in authority so all the funds could now be focused on academics -- and athletics! It didn't seem as though the sports budget was cut.


Exactly! They care more about some dumb football players and athletics than culture and entertainment.


Exactly! They care more about some dumb football players and athletics than culture and entertainment.
Actually a lot of athletic programs have 'boosters' and are sponsored by various groups, as well as having all sorts of fundraisers to support them, since budget cuts have meant no money for them either. When was the last time you saw the drama club moms having a bake sale to keep it going?

Anal sex and picnics are nice


I don't know about our drama club, but our Marching Band has a booster program that raises thousands of dollars a year.


See, that's an excellent example of people taking the bull by the horns and doing something to keep a much needed and desired program going, instead of just sitting around bitching that the program was cut.

Anal sex and picnics are nice


Well it works on a small level (like for schools). You can't really do the same thing when you're a Boys or Girls club that needs hundreds of thousands a year.

Well at least not in my area (where they hate taxes and they hate social programs for anyone except the elderly...but ironically complain about potholes not being filled on the roads, having to pay tolls on highways (since the taxes don't pay for it), and the homeless panhandling).


Well, they tried to do something but they couldn't. What were they going to do-march on the Capitol building and fire rockets at it? They just had to accept it and wish Mr. Holland well. The fact that the Governor did come down to be a part of the festivities showed that she did care about Mr. Holland and wasn't an OJ Simpson type who turns her back on her past.


Ah yes! If asking for a hand out doesn't work the next logical step is violent revolution. So sad that so few see the entire landscape of possibilities in between.

What's worse is that I really can't tell if this is the ravings of someone from the far right or far left but one thing is for sure; regardless of the truth of the matter they'll proclaim themselves as a realist and a moderate.


I'm neither far right nor left. I'm in the middle as an independent realistic thinker.


Booster clubs raise lots of money for all the extras a band needs - uniforms, trips to festivals, etc. They do not pay the salary and benefits of the teacher, facilities, instructional expenses, copyright licenses and royalties, etc. They would have to raise much more than just thousands of dollars to keep a program going.


Well, maybe there should be more fund raisers for the arts, that is the point. I was sort of being sarcastic about the football *beep* I guess I just feel that music and drama are more important than playing a stupid sport.


they always cut the music program.
THey threatened to cut my old HS music program and we all went to the BOE meetings and talked for 4 plus hours untill they stopped and didn't cut it. It was touching to see people who had graduated years and years ago come back to defend it.


Because it's Portland. All of our schools here got chopped up, leaving little left. Everything was cut. I blame our "Progressive politics". Go across the river to the city (and state) to our north, they seem to have a much better school system.


What I'd like to know is, if Mr. Holland had such an impact on Gertrude Lang's life, why, then, since she was the Governor of Oregon, did she not intercede on his behalf, and funnel some extra $$ from the state's education budget to her alma mater, so he could keep his job?

It amazes me how our country can spend billions & billions of our tax $$ to aid other countries, yet our own education system is forever getting worse due to budget cuts year, after year, after year.


Well, just because you are the governor doesn't mean you can control everything.


"just because you are the governor doesn't mean you can control everything"

Too true, just look at our current President. No matter how well-educated, intelligent, competent and well-intentioned someone in high office may be, the many self-serving corrupt rats surrounding him or her can still block out any "hope" of reasonable progress.


This sort of thing (cutting music programs) was happening all over the place during the 1990s. It almost happened at my high school when my band teacher announced that he was retiring, but parents convinced the school board to not cut the band program.


Exactly. One disadvantage in this country is that you can't just make and change laws so quickly and easily because it has to go through this whole process. I'm not complaining, just mentioning it.


As others have said, it came down to money. Unfortunately, the arts are still being cut a lot today and the reason is pretty much the reason that William H. Macy's character gives, that if they have to choose between Math and English or Mozart, they are going with Math and English. Remember, the schools have to live up to certain standards in order to be allowed to run themselves without the government coming in and taking over. So if they have to cut the arts to make that possible, that is what they will do.

I would also like to point out that the reason athletics don't seem to get cut is because in top of having boosters, they generate money for the school through ticket sales. Not all sports make that much but basketball and football usually do. The arts usually don't generate any money. The one exception is usually drama because they put on a play/musical or two every year and they can recoup the cost plus make some extra.
