Whats the Internet?

How many people saw this in theaters wondering what the hell is the internet? And since when do hackers use apple systems? Also, was that a floppy disk I saw being used? LoL.


How old are you?


Just answer the question.


Well seems like a silly question, the only thing which I can understand is the apple systems, but it was 1995 and they were the best to create the visual graphics for this film, don't think all the computers in this film were apple.

For the internet in 1995 then yeah I new what it was and everyone I new, new what it was. Hotmail came out in 1996 offering free email and Amazon launched in 1995 for online shopping it was known.

The disks 1.44MB which were standard storage in 1995 so can not see the big deal there either.

So not sure what your point is.

It was the day of mIRC IRC chat, Awesome.


CDs and DVds were not really widley used til the Millenium, when they started taking ou thte Floppy drive and not installing them on Computers youd find in stores. They are easy to use you can still find them everywhere heck i have one,, (not installed) but I can install just no programs that run on the things. That was the other thing unlike CD Floppys were easier to move saved information from one comp to another unlike here as CDs youd need to burn a file or have a portable storage Device..


Well, the internet is an electronic space which can be thought of as a sort of alternate dimension, but not really, as it exists in our own dimension, but without a physical form, kind of. The dangers of the internet, is that it could potentially harbor a rogue A.I., or even somebody's brainwaves, should the be uploaded. This is deadly, because if a malicious, sentient entity were ever to control it, the powers that the internet provides could allow such an entity to have control over virtually anything. Not only are electronic devices at the mercy of a sentient entity, but mechanical ones as well, but this is due to the wireless internet. If you don't believe me, watch the film "Eagle Eye" which demonstrates the dangers that we may face in the future.


lol thanks Stannis!


Everyone knew what the internet was by 1995. Granted, not everyone had it, most who did had AOL, and almost everyone was on dial up. My family had a computer in 95, with AOL. It was an old computer with less then 1GB hardrive. It was actually not powerful enough to reach the actual world wide web. Instead it could only do AOL applet sites, which at the time many companies had. Such as MTV for example.

A better movie to ask this question to is the movie wargames from 1983. Outside computer geeks of the time, most people probably couldn't tell what was real (hacking in general / computer geeks hacking into school networks to change grades) and what wasn't (norad being run by a computer program with a name that sounds like Burger King's signature burger.)


I graduated high school in 1994 and a friend asked me if I would email him from college... at that time I did not know what email was!! Once I got to school I learned how to use email and the internet, so I knew what it was by the time this film came out. Its weird to think about how far tech has come in 15 years. None of us at school even had cell phones! I remember rushing back to my dorm room to check answering machine messages... and wondering where our friends were when we were out on weekends and not being able to reach them. Weird!

Let not your heart be troubled...


How weird u guys weren't able to just TXT each other in class!!!


The internet is a communication tool used the world over where people can come together to b*tch about movies and share p*rnogr*phy with one another.



And cats!


The Internet is a series of tubes.

He's a master of karate.....and friendship....for everyone!
