MovieChat Forums > The Net (1995) Discussion > You know what's REALLY funny about these...

You know what's REALLY funny about these posts here?!

Reading, in 2024, all these wiseguy comments from 2010 about how outdated and ridiculous the technology looks - when their comments themselves are already almost 15 years old, talking about "broadband" and stuff...

Granted, the rate of progress in this field of technology is mindboggling but why would you ridicule any level of technology? That's just childish and infantile... watching a TV series like BOARDWALK EMPIRE, would you really make jokes about people using a grammophone in 1924 to play their 78 rpm records and holding their (beautiful) candlestick telephones?

In reality, this film was and is prophetic about how the internet makes us vulnerable and exposed, and identity theft is still a huge threat in 2024!

So, to all you readers from the future, greetings from 2024!


It was, identity theft is a huge problem in today's society. It seems like every couple months I get a letter in the mail saying there was a data breach and all my info was exposed. These companies then only offer a free one year membership for identity protection, yet your info is out there forever. No liability at all. Know a couple people personally that have had it happen and was absolute nightmare.
