MovieChat Forums > Outbreak (1995) Discussion > Funny how many OSCAR winners are in this

Funny how many OSCAR winners are in this

Morgan Freeman
Kevin Spacey
Cuba Gooding JR
Dustin Hoffman

Wolfgang Peterson - Nominated for Best Director (Das Boot) 1981

Just interesting that so much high quality talent could be attracted to such a silly film...

Bet none of them would do it again...


Yeah, Why did Hoffman do this movie.


Because it was entertaining. Not every movie has to be made with the intention of winning awards you know.

It's not like the Academy Awards are always tantamount to the best of anything related to movies released in that particular year...or perhaps you didn't know that. Now you do.


This movie does not deserve an actor like Hoffman.


This movie was ok for Hoffman. Now "Sphere" did not deserve him lol.


No movie deserves the punishment that is Hoffman.

Applied Science? All science is applied. Eventually.


He was not very good in it.


The IMDB trivia section for this film says that Dustin Hoffman's role was intended for Harrison Ford.


Cracks me up, why would any of them star in a movie where the lead is a monkey, I guess everyone has a mortgage to pay. :)


Actors generally have no idea how a film is going to turn out. They read a script, they perform a role, but all this is done before the film is edited and scored.

With some of the silly dialogue in Outbreak (obviously played for laughs) it's obvious the actors knew they weren't doing Shakespeare. It was probably an enjoyable change of pace for Dustin Hoffman, who is associated with more "serious" films (even "Tootsie", an Oscar-winning film, could be considered more serious than "Outbreak").

Freeman and Sutherland are playing the same characters they have played in several other films.

We report, you decide; but we decide what to report.


Kevin Spacey did do it again, with American Beauty. Maybe if he'd ever get a decent role he could do it again. He's one of my favorite actors of all time.. You just don't see him in much good stuff anymore.


21 wasn't bad, but I agree his career has slipped a bit. Fred Claus, wtf?

Outbreak (1995)

Total Oscars.......... 6
Total nominations..... 14

Dustin Hoffman 2,7
Kevin Spacey 2,2
Morgan Freeman 1,4
Cuba Gooding Jr. 1,1


I didn't like the acting. Everyone was doing mannerism that I've seen them do with much greater dramatic effect in all their other films. Russo has a thing where she opens her eyes partially and then closes and then opens them all the way with a light smile. Terrific in The Line of Fire but here at the end it looked mannered. Same thing with Hoffman's small step run. What is it?

I think it must be the direction or the culture on that particular shoot? It isn't even the dialogue. It is something else.

Freeman was the only one I liked even though it was a little like the narration character from Shawshank.

Sutherland seemed wooden.

Disturbing to me considering the fantastic talent they assembled for the film.


Well, remember this. At the time, only Hoffman was the Oscar winner. Kevin won Supporting Actor later that year for Usual Suspects while the next year Cuba won in the same category for Jerry Maguire. Freeman would win in the same category a decade later for Million Dollar Baby.


I was gonna toss in Donald Sutherland's name in this but I was surprised to see he has never even been nominated for an Oscar? Such a long career...


Donald Sutherland never being nominated is crazy, just like Gary Oldman, though that will change come Feb 2012 I think.

Donald was so good and solid in JFK as Mr. X. Probably not enough screen time but the best parts of that film are his speeches to Costner.

Hey, you created me. I didn't create some loser alter-ego to make myself feel better. - Fight Club


Only "funnier" example is th not silly but iconic 80's film Fast Times at Ridgemont High

starred a bunch of really young actors early in their career

*Forrest Whitaker (minor part, mostly just growled and looked forboding)
*Nic Cage (even more of a minor part as a back up stoner)
*Sean Penn (major role and head stoner)
...all went on to when Oscars

*Cameron Crowe (writer)
..also becomes an Oscar winner (directing)

*Pheobe Cates (major babe/major role)
..MARRIES a future Oscar winner (Kevin Kline) ..Christ I can't believe she is 48!


Good example with Fast Times at Ridgemont High, csteve67.

I believe Cameron Crowe won his Oscar writing Almost Famous (2000) though if I'm not mistaken. Maybe that's what you meant but you had Directing in parentheses.

But WOW so many Oscar winners in Fast Times.

Hey, you created me. I didn't create some loser alter-ego to make myself feel better. - Fight Club


The premises of this movie was good, just it wasn't executed right. At least I thought it was better than Contagion.


The cast really is what made the film.


I think people just see where the flow goes and just follow it!! I love this movie so much, its brilliant and its entertaining, and the actors knew that when they took their roles and they know that know.

Whats wrong with you people? Its a wonderful movie, I've seen it more than 10 times! easy 8/10 !!
