MovieChat Forums > Outbreak (1995) Discussion > I'll tell you why people hate this movie...

I'll tell you why people hate this movie...*spoilers*

There's a certain point where you have to say, "COME ON! HOW STUPID ARE WE SUPPOSED TO BE?"

One reason people may hate this movie is the fact that no one can find a random animal in the northern woods within a week, let alone about 2 hrs. After he left his dying wife back with the other infected townspeople the character played by Hoffman then goes out to sea, gets on a ship/boat (whatever for whoever wants to get technical) and locates the picture of the animal/host. Then within, lets assume another hour, he then flies to somewhere in Massachusetts to capture the monkey. Then, he flies from Massachusetts all the way back to California within an hour to two and within that time he concocts a miracle science experiment to cure the townspeople who are infected. Now, let me ask one thing: It seemed that most of the people in this movie with this virus died within about a day or 2, not 3 days by a long shot. It was a fast moving virus that incapacitated people that even breathed it in, in only a couple of hours (if that). Now how in the world, seriously, was his wife still alive by the time he even returned??? Notice how fast the virus worked on their lab friend (Spacey)?

I think it's simple why a lot of people didn't like this movie: It's just impossibly realistic. His wife wouldn't have been alive that long, he couldn't have made a cure in a few mins, and there's no way that the town wouldn't have been bombed and covered up and Hoffman's character NOT killed after all the orders issued. And I know 95% of all movies are meant to be completely far fetched, but this one warrants an eye roll.

Now, after all that was said, I actually liked this movie LOL. No joke, I'm not even being sarcastic, I really did like it. The tone of it reminds me of Dante's Peak a lot, another long shot movie, but more realistic than this lol.

Before anyone says it, I KNOW it's fiction and it's meant to be unrealistic to a certain degree, but no one watched this and expected some ridiculous haphazard plot to ensue either. I'm just responding to those who are clueless as to why a lot of people didn't like this film.


Hoffmann didn't have to fly to Massachusetts to capture the monkey. It was released in the Northwest not far from Cedar Creek and before Jimbo flew back to Mass. Hoffmann flew to the ship which had just left San Francisco and then to the TV station to air the picture of the monkey. All this was done within the same general area.


I am not knowledgeable about science or medicine but when I saw the movie again, which I enjoyed, I noticed one of the doctor say that within hours all of Jimbo's insides had been liquefied. If this was true and this is the way the virus attacked all of the victims, how would the serum reverse the damage already done to their organs and completely cure and save them?


Exactly! It just didn't make sense.



You completely missed my entire point, but that's ok LOL.

Either way, there was not even time to do all that they did: getting to the ship, finding the evidence, flying to the tv station and hijacking it, then flying to the woman's house. Even if all of that was within a general area you still couldn't do it all. I'm not even including the fact that he had time left over to get back to his lab and make a cure. Completely unbelievable even for a movie. But if it is to you, more power to you LOL.


You have to take into consideration that this is the only way the movie could have worked. If you bring reality into it the movie would have to have ended about 1 hour earlier and the whole town would have been vaporized. This doesn't make for good drama does it? There isn't one movie where I haven't questioned the realism of the plot. You can't take them too seriously.



I bet a lot of NRA members weren't too happy about the ineffectiveness of their "arms" when faced with the only constitutionally guaranteed legal situation that would justify their use.


GIVE ME A BREAK. First of all, this is not a documentary. This is a movie. And with a movie like this, with all of these amazing actors, you're supposed to watch it like a play on Broadway. It's like a character study or an acting study more than anything else. Besides, real life is full of crazy stories, coincidences or whatever. If you couldn't buy some of the crazy sh!t that happens in this film - even though, a lot of it is not impossible - you need to get out more.


Angell let me set you straight.

Daniels is what you call a season viruologist. Being this seasoned and knowing the process of finding the host is crucial in critical thinking during hte investigative process. (Which is documented well in the movie)

Daniels performs an investigation, he gets the information he needs, flies to the ship, does another investigation, finds the pic of the monkey, he then knows the only way to find it is too broadcast it on TV, so they hijack the TV station, air a picture of said monkey, get a phone call that monkey is nearby so they go to hunt the monkey.... then they (OMG) catch the monkey they are hunting. (I dumbed it down to save on typing and to help you understand)

Someone with years of experience fighting deadly diseases and viruses is able to think quickly and critically unlike someone like yourself who tore it all aapart because they never thought to take Daniels experience in his field to task and understand he isn't a noice... now if Salt was leading this I would have a problem with it but not Daniels.

"Deadlands 2: Trapped"


You won't tell me.


Perhaps the OP just wants to reach out for some sense of community.


i am arresting you for the crime of withholding vital information from the president of the united states!


You are 100% right, I don't even know how some people have the nerve to supposedly correct you.

You're in the wrong liking this movie, though. Lol.
