Warning: The following is humorous; those without a sense of humor should not read.

The news helicopter's station call letters were KPIX. Outbreak starred Kevin Spacey. In 2001, K-PAX is released starring Kevin Spacey. Coincidence?


Nope, no coincidence here. KPIX is a real TV station out of San Francisco.
Since the film setting was northern California, made perfect sense to have TV coverage from S.F.


Apparently, you didn't read my little warning that people with no sense of humor shouldn't read it. Lighten up.



Well you did ask if it was a coincidence. KPIX is in fact the local CBS affiliate in San Francisco.

Still it might not be so much of a coincidence that that was the television station that they chose to show over all of the others, so you may very still be on to something :)
