most overrated

its sooooo boring and stupid 1/10


Well some say murder can drain a man's soul, but I like to think that someone who would commit a murder might be absent a soul already. It's like dog on a leash that is too short - it chafes and chafes until the flesh is worn raw at the collar. Now the only way heal those wounds for some, is to cut that leash and turn around and attack the holder. Leastwise, that's the best that I can figure it.


It's been imitated by many worse movies in the years since, especially for the first five or six years after it's release. Thankfully, I saw it before I was very familiar with the genre.

I consider it one my favourite films, but I haven't rewatched it in at least 10 years. I may reevaluate my ranking of it if I do watch it again.


That amazing to me that you could go that long without watching a movie you like that much.


I don't rewatch movies much. I did as a kid, I'd watch the same movie every day for weeks on end... but from the point where could buy, or had fast enough internet to download movies, I've only rewatched specific films a few times at most.

If given the chance to discover something new, I'll usually take it even if it might be less than great. I don't watch movies as often as I did before Youtube was a thing.


You don’t like many movies do you?


i rated 700 on imdb. 7 is one of the worst


I remember seeing it when it first came out and thinking it looked so fake and staged, more like a music video than a movie. This was one of the first highly stylized "gritty" looking movies. Sad to see it had such a long-lasting influence on cinematic styles.


Great movie


the op is clearly going for hyperbole and shock effect here (not unlike the movie his post is about?)

i'd say it may appear overrated today, from a late perspective. but at the time it was released it was incredibly fresh, and fincher was brand new on the scene, and brad pitt was just breaking out into stardom... so it had a lot going for it in that 195-97 window. (don't forget DVDs burst onto the scene in 1997)

and yeah it's been copied a lot since. i personally think dragon tattoo is far far better than this one.


Well no one can argue with these arguments !
