The Terminator - Spoilers


Was anyone else reminded of The Terminator when watching Demon Knight? Brayker reminded me a lot of Reese. They both share knowledge concerning the end of the world. Nobody believes them. Everyone else thinks they're the bad guys at first. They're both dealing with a nearly unstoppable foe. They're the main characters throughout most of the movie but eventually the attention begins shifting to a female lead. In the end, both Brayker and Reese die and the new heroine is left to fight the antagonist. I probably saw so many similarities because this is probably a recurring theme that is seen in other movies. Maybe I'm just thinking of any movie where there is a main male protagonist and a main female protagonist and in the end, the male character dies and the female character lives. Aliens comes to mind as well. And I guess the movie borrows from a lot of other movies in the motifs that it uses. The special effects/gore/monsters reminded me a lot of From Dusk 'Till Dawn too. I kept seeing parallels between the two. With that being said, Demon Knight is an awesome badass horror movie.


I was reminded of Terminator in that I was reminded of Demon with a Glass Hand. But you make some very good comparisons.

Let's see if anyone tries to kill us and work backwards


Come to think of it, ur right.


It reminded me of Aliens - the scene with the deputy and Irene, when she pulls the pins on a vest full of grenades while being attacked by demons resembled, frame by frame, the one in Aliens with Gorman and Vasquez.


And I guess the movie borrows from a lot of other movies in the motifs that it uses. The special effects/gore/monsters reminded me a lot of From Dusk 'Till Dawn too.

From Dusk 'Til Dawn was released a year later in '96. Anyways, good post.

The box... you opened it, we came.
