The crypt keeper needs his own movie

and when i say his own movie i mean one where he is actually in the damn film instead of being in the begging and the end of the movies. anybody else agree?




Cowpie008: that was either a Steve the Pirate reference or a Hot Fuzz reference

Ben Stone: If any of us get laid tonight, it's because of Eric Bana in "Munich."


I agree, it would be cool to see a film focusing on the Crypt Keeper.


The closest the Crypt Keeper has ever gotten to having his story told was the one episode from series where you see the story of how his "mummy" and daddy met.


Yeah. I remember that! I think the episode was called "Lower Berth". But, I agree. He needs to have his own movie. I want to see MORE of CK.


Wow Lower Berth Is That With The Circus Freak And The Mummy?
Lol, If Thats The One Ive Just Watched That The Other Day.....

Crypt Keeper For President!!!!!


Yep. I liked that one, it seemed really sweet and fluffy for some weird reason.


Um...the Crypt Keeper is the host. It's the character's job to introduce the story, not be in it. He's also better in small doses. Most of his better segments are the shorter ones, the longer ones like in "The Assassin" and "Bordello" (which are nearly the same, anyways) kind of drag on, and Kassir gets annoying the longer he goes. I love Crypty but what the hell kind of story could he be in that would fill a whole movie or short segment? He's the host, that's how he should stay.


I know, but if they gave him an actual story without all those awful death puns, even a hour-long TV movie, I'd watch it.


I agree. A Crypt Keeper movie, even with the puns, would be great indeed.

Welcome to my Nightmare- Freddy Krueger


I could probably groan my way through the puns, but the Crypt Keeper was the only reason I watched the show (the stories, with the occassional exception, all sucked on ice).

Still waiting on that movie...(sigh)


I love when he laughs. I just want to see how he came about.


It's told in one of the earlier episodes. His mother was an old rotten mummy and his father a two headed freak.


wow, i guess hes the normal one. ha ha!


"I know, but if they gave him an actual story without all those awful death puns, even a hour-long TV movie, I'd watch it."

Why? That'd suck balls. The lame puns are his character and he is a host. You wanna drop the puns and stick him in the show? that'd be awful.


Okay, I get it and I've admitted it before; the puns are his schtick. Doesn't mean he can't have real dialogue.

Porn Stars have feelings too.


Doesn't mean he can't have real dialogue.

I agree with the quoted text, and also the thread title.

Yes, the crypt keeper should have his own movie.

First, they would have to re-do his character though, and scrap his stupid puns entirely. The movie would have to make him into a serious character, i.e. close to what he is like in Season 1 of the series. The CK turned from solemn to silly after Season 1, Kassir even admits this and says that is what they were going for, but IMO that was a huge mistake to make him silly.

There is no reason, however, why he would have to be silly in a movie starring him - that would indeed suck.

On the other hand, a movie with a serious CK has unlimited potential for greatness.


I agree. Personally, the film should show what happened to the Crypt Keeper after Lower Berth and end with him inhabiting the crypt beneath the mansion for the first time. Maybe even have a cameo by the Old Witch and the Vault-Keeper as reference to the old EC comics that Tales from the Crypt is based on.

Welcome to my Nightmare- Freddy Krueger
