under rated film?

This is only rated a 6.3 on IMDB, but it seems that almost everyone who took the time to write a review loved it. It's really a fun film that should have gotten more attention. This and Dark City are the two most under rated films in the last 20 years.


I've never seen dark city, but I do know that this film is one of my favorites and has been since it came out. Its fun, its scary, and hell, its downright enjoyable!


Also one of my favorites that's definitely underrated.


Well some good news. At the time of this post it is up to a 6.7.


It's definitely under-appreciated, because it's been pretty well forgotten over the years. As for the rating, that's actually high than I figured it would be. I absolutely love this movie though. I was a huge fan of the series though, and I was 14-15 when this came out and saw it with a group of friends and my bother and his friends in the theater. We all loved it, but maybe we were the right age. I still love it, but maybe that's nostalgia, however I've gone back and watched plenty of movies I was nostalgic about and was able to see them for the turds they were, I think this holds up though. I love William Sadler, and it's great to see him in a starring role. Billy Zane was genius, going back and forth between hilarious and frightening. I wish they'd release this on Blu Ray soon.

"See you guys at the 10 year prison reunion" - Ben Richards

