Favorite Quote?

Hey guys! :)

OMG I love this movie! There are so many memorable quotes in this film that I just can't name them all! What are you guys's favorite quotes? Here's a couple of mine: (most of them are from The Collector. What a cool, creepy, badass character he was! Billy Zane played him perfectly!)

Whenever Jeryline stabs The Collector in the eye with the key, and at first he screams, then he laughs and takes off his glasses and says "I liked those two, damn!" Talking about his eyes! And then he says "I guess Brayker didn't have time to tell you everything. That eyeball sh*t, only works for lower level demons!" Just the way he says "that eyeball sh*t" is classic!

Whenever the Collector is dancing with Jeryline and he's trying to tell her he loves her, and then he says "aww *beep* it", snaps his fingers and then she's automatically pulled towards him. That was just so smooth...

Whenever the Collector asks Roach, "you don't mind if I kill the others, do you?" and Roach says "if it makes you feel good, do it" and then the Collector squints his eyes, and in a voice mocking Roach, he says "if it makes you feel good do it!" as he's marching up the stairs. That country hick voice the Collector was using was so funny! I laugh every time I see that!

When Cordelia is sitting on the table while Brayker is eating, and Jeryline's cat jumps on the table, and Irene comes in and says "get that p*ssy off the table!" and Cordelia jumps off, and then Irene says "I was talking about the cat!" OMG that was some funny sh*t!

Not a quote, but when Wally is trying to shoot the demon but he keeps missing it's eyes, and the demon just stands there and laughs at him. That was classic!

OMG you guys I could name dozens more quotes but for right now I need to go! Thanks for reading my post! :) :) :)


Movie Critics Suck!


I actually think when he says that he liked those too, he was talking about the sunglasses that jeryline broke, not his eyes.


"Trust me... you're safer in this house. (Wally screams bloody murder from upstairs) Oh, sh*t."


yeah, he was refering to the sunglasses.


Somebody help me here... It's the little sing-songy line The Collector says when he first calls up the demons outside the Inn. It's right after the line "HUMANS!!! You're not worth the flesh you're printed on!" Then breaks into his little hoe-down that ends with M***er *beep* I cry laughing everytime I hear it. Zane rules in this movie. I agree that there are too many good lines to list here (i.e. "My nipples are smoking!!!).


His little ditty is "You *beep* hoe-dunk, poe-dunk Mother *beep*

Cracks me up every time - especially with his little dance to go with it.

Another one of my favorite scenes is when CCH's character sees her arm on the platter the Collector has and her stump (sorry if that sounds callous) moves and he asks, "Is that a yes?" And she says "No, that's me giving you the finger." The way she delivers it and the way his face falls when she says "No" is awesome!

"Zombies, man. They creep me out."


Yup that is classic!! But to be truthful I loved all The collectors lines. Man the whole movie is fulled with great lines.


"You f-ckin hodunk, podunk, well-then-there motherf-ckers!"


Always liked the Crypt Keeper knocking the actor.

"Cut! Cut, cut, cut, cut, cut! What the hell are you doing? You call that hackting? Well let me tell you something, pal: your'e no Gory Cooper. You ain't even Robert Deadford! Another take like that and it'll be back to bit pits for you, and I won't say what bits I'm talking about!"

I'm going to shove coal so far up your stocking you'll be coughing up diamonds!


my favorite line was..."via con dios.""and via con diablos to you too."
hahah funny


i caught the via con dios/via con diablos thing the last time i watched it too.. heh.
the part of the film i thought was hilarious and cute when i was a kid and still today: i luuu-luuu-luuuh you bit. haha...wth? there's so many things in this film you don't see anywhere else!

this time around though there were more than a few great lines:
"if you makes you feel good. do it." ... "i got hemorrhoids"
redneck m'f'kers rant
"no. that's me giving you the finger a-hole!"

this movie is an absolute classic. i watched it when it first came out when i was 10 and have watched a few times since, but just saw it again this afternoon--still as great as how i remembered it!


Best line :- Brayker "There are only 2 things we can use against them. The blood that is in this key, and anything we can use to destroy their eyes!"

Anything that would destroy their is pretty much anything with a point.. Not just 2 things then is it :)

"Every day above ground is a good day!"


*beep* this cowboy *beep* Ya *beep* hodunk podunk well them there *beep*

Whores ain't got no friends...

Hey,kid, don't tell anyone. Okay, DAAAD DAAD SOME GUY'S STEALIN' YER CAR!!!

Look, Jeryline, I... llluh... you. And I was wondering if you could possibly find it in your heart to, ahem... llluh, me too.



Zane (to the sherrif): Oh look, he's gone and put something AWFUL in there! Could you empty that out before ya place it inside? (with a big s**t-eating grin)



how about when the collector is dealing with roach and is like "we were just talking about you, werent we fellas" and the demons kind of like nod there head hahahah. also when billy zane takes the sponge out of his mouth and has roach take it out of his mouth and he spits out some sponge debri. great movie, great job billy zane



From the second floor, Roach spits on the demons. Then, Brayker says, "Hey! They hate that."


The Collector: F-ck this cowboy sh-t! You f-cking ho-dunk, po-dunk, well then there motherf-ckers! All you had to do was give me the goddamn key! Then we could get on with our lives

"This would sharpen you up and make you ready for a bit of the old ultra-violence"



^ LOL yea those were great lines.

I'm new to it.


My favourites have to be...

'No-ones every brought a demon knight over the over side before...well not in one piece anyway'

'if it makes you feel good do it'

billy zanes whole cowboy rant after jumping out the window

'humans...you aren't worth the flesh your printed on'

'like the man said if you knew who i was...well...why wait'

'i've been waiting a long time for this promotion'

'on second though maybe I shoulda left it all to the monkeys...perhaps it's not too late'

When you talk to God it’s called prayer...when God talks to you it’s called schizophrenia...


its a shame they never had a making of this movie unless they do and I never saw it.

*A hole is a hole*
