Where is God?

In a lot of these kind of films God is never seen. Yes he sends a lightning bolt down against one Demon but that's about it. What could be the justification/explanation for God's direct absence? How could he be so cruel as to let man fight on his own? There are no archangels nor anything 'supernatural' to protect mankind here. Yet we're expected to win against supreme creatures.

Also is there any indication that God created these demons?

If impersonating a Police Officer is an offence, shouldn't actors be imprisoned?



I think that's a rather limited scope. I'm of course referring within the context of the film's universe.

If impersonating a Police Officer is an offence, shouldn't actors be imprisoned?


I know it's off-topic and waaayyy late but harrytarantino's post has got to be one of my favorites on IMDb. Sounds just like a PSA they'd give after the film were it meant to be charitable. XD

William Sadler: Hello, and we're the cast of Tales from the Crypt Presents: Demon Knight.

Billy Zane: Now, I know we've had some fun today,

Jada Pinkett: But there ARE real demons out there

CCH Pounder: Demons like unclean water

Brenda Bakke: Demons like hunger

Dick Miller: Demons… like HIV/AIDS

Thomas Haden Church: Cancer

Gary Farmer: Diabeetus

Tim DeZarn (Holding comic book): Illiteracy

Charles Fleisher: Political strife, war and poverty

John Schuck (Wearing sheriff’s outfit): But you can help

William Sadler: You can help save the world

Crypt Keeper: Kiddies, show your support by donating to one of several charitable organizations. Put these demons back in the crypt!

(Call 1-800-***-****)




The guardian of the key appears to be immune to aging and natural death, but they are still vulnerable to death through other means. On their hand, there is a kind of tattoo that acts as a gauge to when their night will come when they will fight the demons, and when the night is over, pass on the duties of guardian to another.

So, as you see... The Guardians (the person guarding the key) do have supernatural powers and the keys blood can create barriers as well as be used as a weapon (the blood destroys demons) the keys bearer is far from helpless. if Frank Brayker would have doused The Collector with the keys blood as he should have from the very start, the film would have ended. Gods only involvement was to start the cycle since he probably knew mankind would manage to keep it safe as they have. Geraldine now has not 1, but several lifetimes to live out her dreams so as she keeps the key as well as herself safe. a blessing in disguise id say. not everyone gets the chance to save to universe and be rewarded with immortality on earth.


<i>In a lot of these kind of films God is never seen.</i>

Yeah. Wouldn't be much of a horror film if ten minutes in a giant hand came down and crushed the baddies.



God helps those who help themselves. So basically he does nothing, he just watches.


While true, the hand of God did come down in the Stand, the bomb still exploded. I've always considered God to be like a parent, a guider and creator rather than a direct interferer. If I had problems with my girlfriend my dad wouldnt call her up, he'd simply relate my situation to one he went through. The problem arises when people assume God will directly intervene, the world would not be the way it is if that were how he worked. A parent will let you fail, brush yourself off and learn. As we're doing and have been doing. Brayker was given the tools needed to do the job. But the man hired may not always be the best man for it.

The short one's gawking at me and the tall one's being very droll.


To Shuya:

But if the game resets everything, the year and time and all like everything after the game was started never occured, then the HUGE question to be asked is why do Alan and Sarah have THEIR memories of the lifetime that never occured? Once I saw that in the return scene when young Sarah and Alan go back to 1969 they still remembered everything, I actually just assumed, when the party meeting scene started a few minutes later, that the kids would either already have their memories of Alan and Sarah or would have them automatically recovered once the saw Alan and Sarah, which is what appears to happen in their meeting scene.

That was the basis for all of my logic, that if Alan and Sarah remembered Peter and Judy, as long as they were born, Judy and Peter would HAVE to remember Alan and Sarah... at least from the game...and perhaps ONLY from the gamee... Like I don't think the game lets you forget what happened while you played it, that's the game's magic... Gosh, it makes so much sense.

This is my reply to a post of yours from here:

http://imdb.com/title/tt0113497/board/thread/57267368?d=96665812&p =1#96665812

I was just rifling through some of my oldest posts and felt the need to reply.

Is it wrong to assure a young girl that she's ugly? I mean what's wrong with not being pretty?


JonieAuthor2b, i hope you get aids


I think that JonieAuthor2b rented the wrong movie from the video store!


She's definitely a bit confused

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The hand of God is what caused the bomb to explode.

And as I said, after the great flood, god supposedly said he's not going to directly interfere in the affairs of man.

Prof. Farnsworth: Oh. A lesson in not changing history from Mr. I'm-My-Own-Grandpa!


Then you end up with a Monty Python Meaning of Life Scene ^_^

"Haven't you ever seen the Hand of God before?!" (after said hand came out of the skies and whomped someone)


He knows we can handle it. Were some bad ass creations and in the end were actually the ones that are gonna judge all the angles including the demons (fallen angles). In the grand scheme of things, we are Gods Ultimate creation and are much further up in authority over the angels and demons, if you believe in that stuff that is!



I'm interested in the dichotomy between the times that God directly interferes, and the times he doesn't. When Jesus's body is hanging on the cross, a demon appears to the thief, to take the key from him. Yet when the thief is about to hand it over, he's stricken by a lightning bolt from God. This is direct intervention (perhaps because Jesus was the son of God), yet later on he doesn't offer such assistance. I'd imagine that God would've sent an arch angel, such as Michael to help out against the various demonic key collectors. Who possess powers and abilities far beyond that of a human, even the guardians.

If impersonating a Police Officer is an offence, shouldn't actors be imprisoned?


Like somebody else stated, having an omnipotent being on the side of the protagonists doesn't make for a very good plot device.

The whole point of the lightning Bolt in the Jesus scene wasn't to protect the guardian, rather it was to burn the symbols on the key into the hand of the guardian. It's all symbolic, it's about the eternal struggle between good and evil, resistance against temptation, and man choosing to do the 'right' thing.

In God's eyes man has to prove himself worthy before he can enter the gates of heaven and be rewarded with eternal life. If God intervened and gave man a helping hand, people would never get the chance to prove their worthiness. I guess you could say it symbolises the 'choice' between either castrating your self, or giving into temptation and being condemned to hell. It's the illusion of free will to make God seem benevolent.

At the end of the day, like the Bible and other stories involving 'God', it's fiction. It's writers choose the plot devices that convey the storyline best (in their minds). The very idea of 'God' himself is contradictory, so any story about him is inevitably going to be full of plot holes, contradictions, and fruitless ideals.

On the other hand, you could say if God only manifests himself through natural effects (such as lightning), then perhaps he was powerless to intervene as, for most of the film, they were inside the house or underground. But given that in the mind of his believers God is omnipotent and omnipresent, that in itself is a contradiction.


I think that, they show the prescense of god in the blood. The blood protecteted them from the demons.


After the great flood, God supposedly decided to take a more hands off approach. And from a storytelling point of view, it's a cheap copout to have God come down and save the day.

The Demons supposedly existed before God gave form to the universe. So either he did make them prior to creating the universe, or they existed prior to God. Either way it doesn't really matter in regards to the plot.

Prof. Farnsworth: Oh. A lesson in not changing history from Mr. I'm-My-Own-Grandpa!


Another Question is... Where is Lucifer/Satan? Is he like the Big Boss of all these Demon Collectors in this Movie? And did these demons existed even before Lucifer fell from Heaven and if so does he rule over them?


You're assuming anything in this movie is based on the idea that Christianity is correct, and in fact nothing in the movie suggests such.

Prof. Farnsworth: Oh. A lesson in not changing history from Mr. I'm-My-Own-Grandpa!


God is the reason jerryline wasn't blown to smitherines at the end. The whole house blew up, hen we see her, lying on the ground with a red glow. When she beat the collector, and he exploded, god stepped in and protected the one.
Coming Soon... The December Man


"God is the reason jerryline wasn't blown to smitherines at the end. The whole house blew up, hen we see her, lying on the ground with a red glow. When she beat the collector, and he exploded, god stepped in and protected the one."

More likely it's to do with the magic blood she had no doubt drank. There's no way she got every bit of it out of her mouth when she spat.

Prof. Farnsworth: Oh. A lesson in not changing history from Mr. I'm-My-Own-Grandpa!


But the Collector washed it all off of her. Now, I think you are right about the blood in the mouth, but would that protect her body? Maybe as it travelled through the bloodstream?
Shrug. It was cool, though.
Coming Soon... The December Man


"Now, I think you are right about the blood in the mouth, but would that protect her body? Maybe as it travelled through the bloodstream?"

Indeed that is exactly what I believe happened. The blood flowing through her system grants her certain "gifts". Think like a normal human drinking Vampire blood. They don't become a vampire, but they do become more powerful than a regular human.

Prof. Farnsworth: Oh. A lesson in not changing history from Mr. I'm-My-Own-Grandpa!


king of bob has a point. The makers of this movie were not using actual Christianity to base their story around. Sure it builds itself around Christianity but of course makes up its own mythology along the way to spice things up.

himselfe's earlier explanation of things about man having to prove himself worthy to God isn't correct either, at least as far as Christianity is concerned. There is nothing man can do to "earn" his way into Heaven. That's why Christ was sent, to pay the price of man's sin so anyone who believes in Christ specifically can live forever.

But it's a movie that, as I said, builds its own mythology around Christ. I still enjoyed the film very much though.

Peace is not the absence of affliction, but the presence of God. ~Author Unknown
