Came out at the wrong time

Scream pretty much revived the horror genre in late '96. By then this movie had passed and bordello of blood. After Scream, so many horror movies that should have bombed became success on Scream's heels. It's a real shame, seeing as many critics refused to see it because of the brand name, and that meant people refused to see it. Total shame.


I remember seeing this when it came out originally, and haven't seen it since. I have fond memories of it and Zane's performance and sometimes think of getting hold it (assuming that it's even had a DVD release). Yeah, it has had a poor reputation but it's a fun bit of hokum which certainly could have benefited from the kind of advertising budget every second rate horror seems to get these days!


Yes it did have a DVD release, because I own it. It's a double feature DVD, Demon Knight and Bordello of Blood are on the DVD. If you are in the U.S., you can find it easily.

"The dreams in which I'm dying are the best I've ever had."


actually i have the actual DVD release of it where its JUST that movie (without Bordello) but i have the same thing with Bordello, the single movie!
