How did she keep from swallowing it?

When Jerylin has the blood in her mouth, how in the hell does she keep from swallowing it? Being thrown around like she was, you would think it would be impossible NOT to swallow that blood. I don't get it.

"It's better to have a gun and not need it than to need a gun and not have it."



a friend of mine was trained by his uncle in the chinese army (or maybe it was the vietnam army, some asian country) and he was made to run 2 miles with a mouthful of water. At the end of the run, you have to spit it out, and if any soldier doesn't have anything to spit out, they have to do it again. trust me, it's possible

I am the evil monkey what lives in your nuts :D :D :D :D :D



Yep, it's possible. I just went and tried it.

Every time you read this signature, an orphaned puppy gets fed into a meat grinder.


She just as a lot of traning in keeping things in her mouth for long periods of time LOL.


Your an idiot. I absolutely believe this is possible, but NO ARMY would have a purpose in running two miles with a mouthful of water. Please shut up- your mouth and your fingers.
