Where's the rain?

The oceans of the Earth are the main reason for clouds, and thus for rain. If the entire planet was covered in water, it would indeed be raining quite often. So how come people drink their own pee instead of just putting out some jars and wait for the rain to fill them?


If you watch the extended version, The Mariner lets them know that they can drink some of the hydro (that he had been keeping from them) because it's going to rain that night. So yes, they get some of their fresh water from rain.


clouds are caused by water vapor rising with the air not the oceans and just because there are clouds doesnt mean there would be rain


Actually, without landmasses, especially mountains, there would be less rain than there is now. Mountains are one of the driving forces of precipitation because they force moving air upward, condensing it into clouds, in a process known as orographic lifting.

Obscure movie quote


Really? I'd actually heard the exact opposite. Without large land masses to break them up hurricanes would just gather more and more strength so the theoretical real waterworld would be mostly huge storm fronts circling the planet.


Err, disagree with you here.

Topographic Uplift is certainly a means to cause precipitation, but by no means is it the only. It is only a fairly major issue for us because we live on the land.

For example, the mountains on the western side of the America's cause a great deal of precipitation. Because of that rainfall the centre is desert. If it wasn't for the mountains 'robbing' the rainfall the centre would receive more rain. Eventually rain has to fall. You get to 100% humidity and bang, it rains.



If you read my post again, you'll see that I said "less rain than there is now". I didn't say "no rain", nor did I imply that uplift is the "only" means of producing rain. I agree with your point, eventually it would rain without any landmasses, but from what I have been able to find, on an ocean world there would be rain, but statistically less globally than on a planet with our geographical distribution.

Tenser, said the Tensor.


I wondered why the weather was always to nice and calm. Then I read that during filming, production of the movie was held up due to tropical storms destroying the sets. So the rain was there, they just didn't want it to be part of the film.
