Alyssa Strudwick

So I just watched "Dick v. Strudwick," where it's revealed that Prof Strudwick is Alyssa's dad, and he and Dick have a huge fight about the kids dating.

This was two episodes after "Citizen Solomon," where Tommy is the editor of the school paper and approves a review of the school play, which said mean things about Alyssa. I noticed they did in fact name her as "Alyssa Strudwick" in that episode. Pretty clever!

Did this come up prior to these episodes? You'd think it would - you know, "My dad teaches at Pendelton too" - but I don't remember it happening.

Pobre de Dios que no sale en revistas, que no es modelo ni artista, o de familia royal...


Interesting catch! I'm on Citizen Dick right now.


Maybe Tommy hadn't mentioned that his father was a Pendelton teacher yet.
The newspaper was from Tommy's high school.
And even if he knew Alissa's family name, maybe he didn't know there was a teacher named Strudwick in Pendelton.

Let your money work for you on the financial markets.
