Underrated Show !

A huge timeless classic with a good cast.
Lithgow is awesome in this show !

If people haven't seen it then go and watch it..


It was a bit ahead of its time in a lot of ways. Of course it's got a "90's sitcom" vibe to it, but most jokes are pretty good, nothing cheesy about them.

Worth killing for, worth dying for, worth goin to hell for.



Its definitely very fun, no argument there - but "timeless classic" ? Whow ! Nah, sorry. No way. For that it would need quite some more substance from the storywriting.

It was basically just constant shenanigans, all the time, with no real long time direction or goal, ever. There wasnt even a real progress in the way they understood human interactions or something. They kept being very naive.

And the character Dick was, at least to me, always bordering to annoying. Not the actors fault, of course.

A gentleman will not insult me, and no man not a gentleman can insult me.


Season 1 is sublime (even if the pilot is a little different...)

Season 2 is rock-solid.

Seasons 3 onward start to fall apart, especially as Earth observations go to the wayside and replaced by more mundane issues. Most shows usually get as much out of the premise and then find something different to fall back on... and if the concept always worked, we'd never see cancellations. :D


I was watching the rerun the other day and it was so funny and actually realize how the big bang theory steals so much from it, a lot!, instead of clueless nerds they´re martians. Have you noticed that?
