Weird apartment

When I watch the show, I have a hard time figuring out the layout of the apartment. From what parts of the house do they access the roof that they always sit on? Do Tommy and Sally have their own rooms, and if so, where are they?
(I actually tried searching online for a layout out of curiosity, but I didn't have any luck.)


Well, from what I can tell, the window that they come out of to access the roof is to Dick's bedroom. As far as Tommy and Sally's rooms, I assume that they are are in the area next to the stairs that is tucked back and we never see.


Tommy and Harry sleep in the room that's behind the kitchen, it's also the room that's by the window they access the roof from. This is shown in both seasons 1 & 2 (Tommy and August are seen in there studying, Harry is seen sleeping in there during a different episode when Mary spends the night)

Dick and Sally sort of share a room. Dick has the bedroom that is off of the living room and Sally pretty much sleeps in his closet area. Her room can be seen in a season 4 episode.

Hope that helps! I agree that the layout is confusing.


I understand that they aliens wanted to keep things normal but that apartment really annoyed me because it was so small and weird. Harry I believe sleeps on top of the washer/dryer and tommy's room I don't even think has a door it's just a small area with a bed in it. Sally's room is a closet.


Thanks for the responses, guys! :) As it turns out, there is actually an episode where we get to see Dick draw the layout of the apartment! Season 3 ep 22 "Just Your Average Dick," which I saw, oddly, the day after I posted this query (and I've been making my way through the episodes at a leisurely pace, really, though a bit out of order). It looks like there is a window on the left side of Tommy and Harry's room/the laundry room that leads out to the roof. Sally's room is indeed a closet behind Dick's room, with a small hallway leading to it from Dick's room.


Thanks for the follow-up response.

I always thought the apartment is weird. Also weird that they all lived together when they wanted to appear normal!


I think they lived together because the only money they had was Dick's income. At some point, Sally is a waitress (that didn't last long) and Harry is a bartender.

"Shakespeare was a genius. He was the president of Rome." Workaholics
