MovieChat Forums > The Cable Guy (1996) Discussion > I change my view on Chip and Steven

I change my view on Chip and Steven

I posted a long time ago that Steven was a dick and Chip just wanted friends. I'm a huge movie buff myself by the way. However, I change my view really. The Cable Guy was a psychopath. Sure, I felt bad for the Cable Guy. His mother was a prostitute who abandoned him daily, leaving the Cable Guy to be raised by the television. However, Chip still should have had a good deal of knowledge of right from wrong. No argument about it. First of all, Steven was saint like in how he dealt with Chip compared to how I would have handled it.

The Cable Guy broke into Steven's apartment. Breaking and entering. Major felony. The Cable Guy, in addition to B&E, installed surveillance to spy on Steven, as well as stolen television equipment and a karaoke machine. Later, Chip used that and pinned all of the stolen equipment on Steven, getting him arrested. Chip released the surveillance video of Steven and Robin dissing Hal, Steven's jerkass boss, to the office building where Steven worked. The Cable Guy was the villain and Steven just got fed up. Steven attempted to tell the Cable Guy he did not want a new friend from the start, but was interrupted every time.


Totally agree! But this is a movie that the more u watch it the more u think about it (which watching this movie probably shouldn't be such a frequent event that u hate it, espically if u were one of those that actually liked and thought about this movie ) but as time goes by rewatching this miss judged movie for it's time, is actually brillent ! It was just too head of it's time and bravo to jim cause what then was looked at as a bad comedy now is recognized for great acting


Sorry for ranting not even replying to ur topic.. Ok so my thoughts on ur comment: I my feeling is that they are both struggling thro depression and feeling alone. Chip is more awre of his need for friends that he will obsess and do anything just to have one. Steven on the other hand lives the typical life were he feels he had friends, and wants to up hold a status and actually forces himself to believe in it. Therefore he doesn't mean to be a dick in actuality he is just as lonely and even more because the only person he is true to is chip. But hides and blames chip for the truth he is not ready to handle.. Chip is his only true friend... Sadly chips desperation and attempts to point out to steve hiw much they need each other ( not sexually, but as a real friend or family , someone they can fully count on and will be there for eachother)


So sorry last point. Desperation causes all kinds of craziness! Which is pretrade through Steve and chip throughout the movie. Yea chip is A psychopath that if he doesn't get love he will destroy the others persons life. But steve is not so much better.... He was in self denial, also enjoying his new friend and denying it to himself and the public. He wasent just being nice he needed it too.


steven was a douche. he used chip, he had no problem calling him to fix the cable, he lied to him, he was very arrogant.
he was an even bigger douche to his friend, blowing him off about the concert, not really caring about him. steven is the worst. i actually hated him more than chip


chip is crazy but steven was a giant douchebag


Really this is one of the movies that every main character is just an awful person. Chip is mentally damaged from a crappy childhood with no raising and has no social morality or socialization skills. He's like a lost puppy when it comes to socializing and handling himself. He knows technical stuff but people, hell no.

Steven's a spoiled and entitled dick. He had daddy issues, waaaaaah. He's just a prick who is awful to people and uses them for his advantage and dumps them when he doesn't need them anymore. He got kicked out because of his douchey-ness and was all alone on his lonesome. He couldn't figure it was his fault on his own: "I asked her to marry me, she asked me to leave. She didn't have to kick me out!" or something like that. It was Robin's fault not his. Without Chip he would have never recovered from it. Hell the reason he got back on social graces with her was due to Chip's Springer reference. He also cheated on her the first real shot he got, even if she was dating another guy he went overboard. Plus it was a prostitute he not only didn't know but didn't know if she was healthy or not. Somehow he never suffered for it which sucks. Once he got Robin back though that was it for Chip, he didn't need him anymore. He had Robin to leach off again. Steven was also extremely awful to Jack Black's guy too but more on that in a bit.

Hell even Robin was kind of lame. She was naive, full of herself, and easily manipulated. The only + she did in the whole movie was kicking Steven out, but she turned around and let him back in thanks to Chip manipulating her into coming back. She let him stay around when Steven said let him go and she got herself in that hostage situation due to her naive self. Plus she was just bland and an awful character. Why Steven would be so enamored over her I have no clue.

Really the only good and decent guy in the whole movie was Jack Black's character and he got treated awful the whole time. Broderick cries to him constantly and he tried to offer good help. He played basketball with him only to be disrespected by Chip,he went to the party only to be ignored by Stephen and got into it with with Chip, and then comes the concert and spending all that money on tickets for Steven to pussy out due to Robin hooking up with him again. Steven couldn't even honor the friend code to a longtime buddy and that's freaking awful of Steven to do. Black rightfully didn't want nothing to do with him but he did the right thing and went after Chip and found out the truth. After that we never see him again, hopefully nothing happened to him.

This is an interesting flick because it's full of awful and realistic people. They all have real life issues and don't really get them settled which was genius of Stiller to do. Chip's still a mentally deficient weirdo, Steven's a prick and always will be one, Robin's a vapid bitty, and Rick's not certain.

I do say I pull more for Chip than I do Steven though oddly enough. Despite being not right in the head he could do a hell of a job with cable and took care of his customers and "friends," well. He did his job and did it well and wasn't a flat out dick to people. Unlike Stephen who was a hateable person and was a butt kisser and a mediocre architect at best. He wasn't man enough to handle the pressure of it all and be the man he needed to do for Robin and his future. Which is ironic because it makes both him and Chip similar. Chip had no future due to his awful social life and Steven didn't either due to his personality and nature. They both fit each other well in that way and deserved to be friends which Steven ruined by being a dick to him. Steven got what he deserved in the end for treating Chip so awfully even if it ruined Chip's freedom or what was left of his life.


While I did feel sorry for Chip but I could understand where Steven was coming from, I thought both the characters of Steven and Chip were highly flawed characters that had issues, I personally thought the worst character in this film was Hal.


