Horrific film

Massive disappointment. I want my money back from Blockbuster :(


thats why i love it!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!


Wait- what's wrong with it?

I watched it about 5 months ago, and just downloaded it AGAIN because I wanted to see it so much. I don't mind it. The only bad aspect of it I can think of is...well....Reeves..

Equilibrium, Dawn of the Dead (1978), and Dark City: The three best films ever made


I don't understand people like you. It's so contradictory man. You like the movie... but something that's so wrong with it is Reeves? OMG


I was ENTERTAINED all the way through, some parts were annoying, like when Reeves called Freeman from the pay phone when he told him NOT to call him, but other than those small annoying parts, I thought it action-packed & enjoyed it.


Lol this thread is so old he said Blockbuster. This was a great 90s flick. Still great today.
