A fat Keanu

This movie may not be the best of any of the actors who starred in it but it does ofer the audience a fat keanu reeves. If nothing else that should be entertaining enough for most people


WHAT? Keanu Reeves is not fat in this movie.



look closer you can clearly see a slight double chin


haha, i'll have to watch it again then.



He's probably the heaviest he's ever been in a movie. But that's a result of a back injury.

Prof. Farnsworth: Oh. A lesson in not changing history from Mr. I'm-My-Own-Grandpa!


It is explained in the TRIVIA section why Keanu Reeves gained weight.



I met him during filming and yes he looked pudgy


Then Pudgy must be hot, because that is what he was. He the only reason I ever watched this movie. Well, him AND Rachel Wiez are why I watched this movie. They were both hot together.

Yes, even intellctuals have shallow moments.


he's fat because of the bad weather in Chicago (wherever the movie was filmed) that time...


Just watched this movie and, while there's lots of things to say about KR's performance, fat ain't one of them. No wonder people are so screwed up with eating disorders to call the chance of catching 'a slight double chin' being fat.

"Someone has been tampering with Hank's memories."


The only thing about him that drove me nuts was his stupid long hair in this show. He kept flipping it like a girl does!



This movie may not be the best of any of the actors who starred in it but it does ofer the audience a fat keanu reeves. If nothing else that should be entertaining enough for most people

When I first saw this movie back when it came out, I always assumed the fatness was due to him playing a nerdy/geeky character and they wanted that to counter his more 'action' roles.


Prior to the start of filming, Keanu Reeves had injured himself playing a pickup game of hockey in his native Canada. He injured his neck and back areas causing him to gain weight which explains his look in the film


Yeah I read about that later, but before I read about it, I thought it was to offset his other more action-type characters.


He's a bit chunky in a few scenes and leaner later on. But no biggie. I've never been able to figure out why he's so watchable, but he is appealing, no question. Rachel Weisz was cute here.


Rachel Weiz said he'd gained weight on purpose. I don't know. Maybe it's both.

"It's that kind of idiocy that I empathize with." ~David Bowie


If he's fat in this, the average person is grossly obese. I mean, yeah, he's not super trim as he usually is, but he's not fat. He looks normal.

"It's that kind of idiocy that I empathize with." ~David Bowie


LOL! Hee Hee yea!


He doesn't look FAT to me in this movie. He looks fine as usual.


If this is "fat" Keanu I like it. This is one of my favorite of his movies and I think he looks great.
