MovieChat Forums > Escape from L.A. (1996) Discussion > Things I've learned from watching EFLA.....

Things I've learned from watching EFLA...

1) Surfing five minutes after being shot in the leg is perfectly logical.

2) Eating red meat is just as bad as murdering someone.

3) It's ok for the department of defense to leave a world altering weapon lying around during a tour.

Come with me if you want to live.


4. Basketball isn't a game. It's a matter of life and death. Anyone tries to tell you otherwise, tell them to watch EFLA

If you love God and are 100% proud, copy and paste this into your signature.


5) Revenge of the Nerds guy is one hell of a knife thrower.

6) Never head into Beverly Hills without an overly expensive map.

Come with me if you want to live.


7) When someone with a gun asks you for precise directions to a place, it's perfectly ok for anyone to say "that way" and point.

8) A "christian" president can make all of these "moral laws," but it's still ok for him to euthanize people by electrocution.

Come with me if you want to live.




14) Severed doll heads make great hood orntanments.

15) There is enough wind in "new LA" to hang glide from The LA Coliseum (nearby anyways) to the Happy Kingdom in Anaheim.

Come with me if you want to live.


16. Rocket launchers usually only kill the people in the back seat of helicopters.

17. Leaping from a moving surf board onto the back of a moving car is totally possible with a bullet in your leg

18. Snake really missed his calling to play in the NBA.


19: Snake's Alive!!!! I thought he was dead.


20) One sure way to identify your cross dressing former running mates is to grab them by thier genitals. "Yep. Same ol' Carjack."

Come with me if you want to live.


21) Bikes will randomly explode during a parade. Merely from skidding across the ground and coming to a stop.

Come with me if you want to live.



23. LA in "Escape from LA" is a lot like Tijuana.

24. It's easy to escape fire from an automatic weapon by doing a wheelie.

25. No one rolls into town and disrespects Cuervo Jones (aka Hugo Chavez)

She turned me into a newt, but I got better.


26) The Raiders may have left for Oakland the year before, but half of thier gang-banger team was still living in the LA Coliseum.

27) Gary Busey was hanging out in Beverly Hills with The Surgeon General (well ok, it looked alot like him).

Come with me if you want to live.


28) Hang gliders are impossible to hit with machine guns

29) Hang gliders can fly in circles for extended periods of time, without significant wind or altitude change

30) It is a good idea to piss off the entire US government when you are less then a mile away with no vehicle and a bullet wound in your leg, since they probably won't come looking for you.

31) Basketball is easy, as long as you have the flu


32) Fake movie sharks are big enough to swallow a submarine.

33) Something worse than the Browns went down in Cleveland.

Come with me if you want to live.


34) If you want a transsexual male character, cast a woman.

If you love Satan and are 100% proud, copy and paste this into your signature.


21) You need only 10 guys in a gang with hang gliders to kill the 100's of people below.....

22) Peter Fonda really needs $. His father and sister must be proud of his acting prowess.

23) Pam Grier's voiceover was really bad or she had some poor surgery performed by Bruce Campbell.

24) Cliff Robertson makes Rick Santorum look sane.

25) A.J. Langer really needed a better mentor than Cuervo Jones....which led her to Jerry Seinfeld.

26) All the hookers and gamblers from Las Vegas had to move to Los Angeles due to morals charges.

27) If you would rather not be deported, just try the electric evidently those border guarder guys in Arizona currently helped with the screenplay.

28) Pony tails and mullets are still cool in 2013.

29) The Jaws shark from Universal Studios still works since underwater all those years....

30) Holograms save plot holes!


#31) To kill one guy, have 15 guys surround him in a circle, fire multiple rounds from fully automatic weapons, and no one will die of friendly fire from one side of the circle to the other.



I only learned one thing. And that is:

#1. There aer some sequels that should NEVER have been made.


Next year: No Drinking. No Smoking, No women (except if your married), Obama Care I guess


o u so wity

Ph'nglui mglw'nafh Cthulhu R'lyeh wgah'nagl fhtagn


35) Snake Plissken is not as tall as you think he would be!

The Spacehunter Forum:


36) It's more than ok to send your hero into a homicidal prison with blanks loaded in the first clip (good thing he shot first).

That rug really tied the room together.


Tell you what I've learnt, not to end up like you losers analysing every last detail, and that you guys need some sunshine.


I agree ...

over analytic Movie Nerds Suck.

CGI was bad in this film ( thats all )

CGI is still bad ( not as bad as escape from la ) ..its completely consumed all Movies today.

the non cgi parts of this movie are still cooler than most of todays films.


Lmao. Some of the stuff called out here really cracked me up. And yes, maybe they are getting carried away, but you have to admit, some of the scenes were just really awful, concerning the actions sequences and really should have been better thought out.

I mean, look, me, i dont care much, because considering what this movie and its prequel are really about (the message behind them concerning liberty, politics, freedom, government, lies, hypocrisy, and dyspotia), i can overlook even the worst scenes that were depicted here. (Check out my review in the top thread i made recently, for those who mostly missed the point of the movie).

Carpenter was never a fan of CGI or HW glamour in his films, which is one reason why i love the guy and hes a rare breed in the movie industry today. Not that all CGI is bad too, as i feel The Thing prequel in 2011 was VERY well done, and didnt have the HW cheesy nonsense that would have ruined it, and also respected the first film nicely. I do believe Carpenter would be proud of that film.

However, if you are going to use CGI, you need to go about it properly, and well, that was failed miserably in this movie, and it was done so poorly, that those who didnt understand the main focal points and deeper messages, had NO CHANCE of that whatsoever, since they were distracted so much with some of the very poorly done action scenes. I mean, holy sh-t, they spent 50mn on this movie, which i read was 1/2 of what was spent on T2. Lol, that's quite a bit of money there for the CGI effects to come out so bad. Im always one to suspend my disbelief quite a bit in many movies, but here, my goodness. You have guys like 10ft in the air, and 10ft from people on the ground firing endless automatic weapons and all missing? Lol...and the tidal wave thing, i mean, my goodness, what were they thinking with that nonsense? It just looked soooo bad lol. Something like that simply could never happen and is beyond ridiculous, not to mention, hes lit up with a bullet in the leg and from flu virus.

John himself admitted that Mission Impossible and ID4 looked like 'cartoons' to him, showing his disdain for CGI and Special FX. But man, if he felt that way so strongly, he should have just scratched them entirely and gone the Max Max 2 route (whole movie was done without a single CGI effect). The fact he wound up using it so much and in such a terrible fashion, just kinda leaves you with egg on your face a bit. Plus this was during the time of the CGI revolution in so many films back then.

However, stuff like the basketball thing, i didnt mind, because hey, it COULD happen. Ive made shots like that, full court, dozens of times, some planned, when just screwing around, some unplanned. Plus it was a hilarious scene too lol. Same with the hologram trick at the end, definitely was a great scene there and well thought out.

I love both movies and both endings equally, as they touch on some great esoteric issues. But overall, i still love the first film the most ,and how it exuded that awesome dark and dystopic feel.


37) it takes 2 minutes to walk from the top of Mulholland drive to the beverly hills hotel

38) lazer discs are still used in the year 2013

39) it's really Donatella Versace who plays the nurse at the evil surgeon's laboratory, not some unknown actress


40) I'm not the only one who hates the three point shot.

41) guns and ammo are in huge supply on an isolated island.

Come with me if you want to live.


42) Holograms can cast shadows. THAT's tricky.


43. Snake is a cheater as evidenced by the "Bangkok Rules" scene.

44. Despite being a fundamental theocrat, the president is a corrupt hypocrite.

45. Apparently, the government pulls punches when injecting a criminal with a man-made virus, conning him into thinking that it's lethal when it really isn't.

Welcome to my Nightmare- Freddy Krueger
