Pipeline missing scene

I first saw this movie way back in good old 1996 and I seem to recall a scene where Pipeline, as played by Peter Fonda, is found dead after the surfing sequence with Snkae. The scene had Snake finding Pipeline's body and saying something like "You rode those wives well cowboy" or to that effect. The versions I've seen since to have this scene but I'm pretty sure this scene was there upon the film's release. Anyone else remember this scene or am I mistaken?


I've never seen or heard of such a scene. I saw it in the theater too, and I don't remember that. I don't really vividly remember it as I was a little bit high, but having recently become a fan of "Easy Rider" that same year, I think I would have remembered his character dying in the film. I can't really think of how it would fit in with the rest of the movie either. Because, if I'm remembering correctly, right after the surfing scene Snake goes to see Hershey, which leads directly to the climax. It doesn't really seem like there's any time/place for Snake to randomly come across Pipeline's body, since the movie starts wrapping up after the surfing scene. I may be wrong though. Doing a Google search I don't see anything about a scene like that existing. Maybe I'm using the wrong keywords.

"See you guys at the 10 year prison reunion" - Ben Richards


No such scene when I saw it twice in the cinema. Not on the UK VHS, or US laserdisc/DVD/Blu-ray either.
