Escape from Earth

It's a shame the 2nd sequel "Escape from Earth" never got made. What would it have been about? and how would Snake leave Earth? Remember, at the end of the 1996 film, Snake used the doomsday device and shut down all the electricity and technology across the globe.
Escape from Earth could take place a couple of years after Escape from L.A. The powerless United States, along with the rest of the world has become a dump. The United States government has collapsed and ruthless violent gangs now rule the highways and the cities and they've returned lawlessness back to the American mainland. Snake Plissken is now a recluse in the west coast and has isolated himself from the world he destroyed and wants no part in the new world he made. An former member of the Black Light unit (Plissken's unit) manages to track Snake down and hires Snake for a job. Snake refuses, but later changes his mind. When he is told by the former Black Light unit member, about a maverick NASA scientist whom has been kidnapped by a violent gang and an EMP proof space shuttle, which the scientist had been working on and the gang kidnapped him, so he can lead them to the space shuttle. If Snake helps him rescue the scientist, he and Snake can get aboard the space shuttle and leave Earth and go to a colony on Mars.
Snake and the former Black Light unit member set off in pursuit of the gang, whom the scientist is leading them to the space shuttle, as the gang leader intends to get off Earth. Snake and the former Black Light unit member gain two allies: the leader of another gang. A former cop and his beautiful girlfriend.
The film ends with a showdown between Snake and the gang leader and the gang leader is killed by the scientist. And the scientist brings Snake to the space shuttle. Snake gets on-board the space shuttle and finds the space shuttle did not get shut down by the doomsday device and is operational. Snake abandons the scientist and the space shuttle lifts off and leaves Earth and Snake sets a course for the Mars colony. And it ends with Snake saying "Is there life on Mars?"


Escape from Earth comes out this year and it stars Brendan Frasier.


That's a different film. Not Snake Plissken.


What makes you think that?


Because 'Snake Plissken' isn't in the casting list...?


Maybe because he reset the Earth and started over?


Yes. Snake Plissken is not in the cast listing and it is an animated movie for kids.


So you mean this isn't a Snake Plisken movie but is actually a CGI animated film with the same title as the intended third Escape film? Yea right...


How can it be a Snake Plisken movie when he's not even in it? Explain that.


Wait, wait wait... you mean that green guy wasn't Snake? You sure?


It's not Snake. It's nothing to do with him.


Well now hold on, I'm pretty sure that's Snake in the lower right hand side: from-planet-earth-review.png



I've been nothing but sarcastic since my first post... I thought it was pretty obvious =P


Well that was educational.

So OP, about your topic: is that the real summary of what happens in the movie ? Or what wood have ?


Troll successful!


"...full of sound and fury..."


That sounds a LOT like my idea for the third sequel. I posted it on this or the EFNY board years ago and the thread has since dropped off whichever board it was on. However, my story had a few exceptions...

1)The company that had developed the SoD satellite system was the same company that developed the ship(s).
1a)Most forms of government are based on a matriarchal system(this is a reference to "Ghosts of Mars" and gives this supposed sequel a direct connection to that movie i.e. the company ends up colonizing Mars at some point in the future and that's why the government in "GoM" is ALSO matriarchal).
1b)Leading to the repeated catchphrase about Snake in this "sequel" of "I thought you were a woman." lol
2)The company(which I called GAIA btw) had actually developed the SoD system in the hopes that it would be used EXACTLY as it was in the second film(full shutdown of the Earth) so they could take over.
3)The ship was not EMP-proof. GAIA had their own production satellites(guns, food, and a whole bunch of other stuff) which weren't affected by the worldwide EMP and was also responsible for the Mars colony(which had been built and was ready to be occupied but the SoD event put that plan on the backburner).
4)The movie would have been set about 5-10 years after EFLA. Most of the world was in chaos and GAIA was just beginning to start their bid for domination. Which means they had rebuilt a launch/landing facility to accommodate their ship(s).
5)These ships weren't full-fledged ships. They were vehicles to go back and forth to GAIA's various satellite "strongholds". However, GAIA was also in the process of building a ship to take them to Mars to consolidate their power there as well.
6)One of the earth-based gang leaders/robber barons wanted to get ahold of a GAIA ship to try and take over the central GAIA satellite(effectively performing a coup). He's heard rumors that Plissken is holding up in his fiefdom so he has him captured and tells him what he knows about the ship to Mars GAIA is building. He says, if you help me take out GAIA so I can be in charge instead, you can have the ship.
7)Snake agrees and the final battle is between him and the CEO of GAIA. Who, it turns out, happens to be his daughter from a previous relationship with a scorned lover. This scorned lover has passed her hate for Snake onto the daughter who has not only inherited his fighting abilities/coldness but has been highly-trained by GAIA.
8)Snake kills her off anyway, hops on board the Mars ship and off he goes.
9)The twist is, just as the gang leader/robber baron is about to take over, you see the supposed CEO come out of the shadows and kill him. No, she didn't miraculously survive...she's a genetically engineered clone(mixing Snake and the scorned lover's DNA) among many more that has access to all of the previous clones' memories.
10)Also, I would have written into the mythos that Snake is still alive when GAIA finally starts colonizing Mars and he has one more kid by one of the female colonists which eventually leads to Desolation Williams being born. That's right, Snake would have been Williams' direct ancestor.

Watch your tongue, boy, if you like this job.
LIKE this job!?!


They pretty much made the 3rd Escape movie. The movie Lockout is like Escape from Outer Space.

The main character is Snow instead of Snake and it has all the same plot points.


That sounds awesome, got really excited there till I saw it wasnt Kurt Russell lol


Ghosts of Mars was supposed to be the third Escape from... movie, but the studio wouldn't finance it.
