MovieChat Forums > Escape from L.A. (1996) Discussion > The First Daughter: Guilty of Treason

The First Daughter: Guilty of Treason

Regardless of the First Daughter's intentions and/or daddy issues, technically, I guess, she WAS guilty of treason. Assuming a true-to-life situation, does anyone have any insight as to how a member of the First Family would be dealt with if he/she conspired against the President? I assume trial by due process. However, I was discussing the topic with a co-worker who is much more cynical. He predicts that a president from either party (yes, apparently there IS bi-partisan cynicism) would not want to endure the humiliation, and the offending family member would receive a drone strike, courtesy of Homeland Security (judge, jury, and executioner).
I know there have been presidents accused of treason, but I do not recall any family members receiving the accusation, let alone a conviction. I understand the consequences of being convicted of treason may be death or life in prison. Any thoughts on if a president’s administration could survive having a member of the First Family accused and convicted of treason?


She was in the right because America became a New World Order and not a country anyone should defend under those circumstances.
Just saying.


I think any but the most delusional president would resign if a direct family member did something truly treasonous. You're just not getting past something like that. Though that's assuming they don't manage to figure out a way to prevent it going public. Of course, the moment a president finds out about it and attempts to cover it up he's risking making the whole mess a lot worse for himself, as Nixon could attest.

The idea of a president's family member committing treason is completely ridiculous, though.


Treason is in fact a very difficult thing to convict anyone of. In our country she would have to be convicted by a trial. This movie did not take place in our country, though.

And before anyone corrects me, I don't mean LA wasn't a part of the USA. As indicated, this movie takes place in a theocratic country that shares the name of the previous nation it overthrew. The president is a dictator and does not have any system in place to check him, so he can order her death. Keep in mind that this may not have been his best judgement though, as he was warned about the cameras.

But I am babbling rather than answering the question. I would have to agree with the above poster that it would be likely that any president with a family member accussed of treason would likely resign from office. There would be too strong of a conflict of interest assumed by the public and the president would likely lose support. It's not fair, of course, but sort of the way things happen in regards to public perceptions.
