NY vs LA

i Watched escaped From NY how does LA compare to the Frist is it worth the Watch.






If you liked the dark tone and atmosphere of the first, you might not like it, though. A lot of people are unable to see it for what it is, which is a light-hearted parody of Escape from NY. But it IS *beep* raaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaad. Snake surfs a tidal wave with Peter Fonda, hang-glides with Pam Grier, nearly gets carved up by Bruce Campbell, etc. Not to mention the music, which is straight up bad arse. It really is the King of B-movies.


It's not so similar to NY, apart from the similar plot.
NY is much darker.
LA is funnier and a bit spoofy.

I like them both, but I'll have to say LA is a better movie in many ways. It's obvious they had a bigger budget to play with for example.



LA is a shocking scene for scene/ character for character remake of NY

Fonda replaces Borgnine
Buscemi replaces Stanton.... so does Fonda to an extent.
Keach replaces Van Cleef
Corraface replaces Hayes

Basketball replaces the Gladiator fight

It just goes on and on and on............ just a shameful mess.
