MovieChat Forums > Executive Decision (1996) Discussion > Did anyone feel bad for the passengers w...

Did anyone feel bad for the passengers who got sucked out of the plane?

If you look closely you see some of the passengers get sucked out when the terrorists shoots the fuselage and hole is created..


Nope. I accept the fact that it is a risk I am taking every time I fly. Those passengers rolled the dice by getting on the plane in the first place, and they lost.

I don't have an opinion. The word "opinion" implies the possibility I'm wrong.


Nope. I accept the fact that it is a risk I am taking every time I fly. Those passengers rolled the dice by getting on the plane in the first place, and they lost.
Ha ha, Jesus that's a bit strong. I don't think getting on a plane that's hijacked by terrorists and then being sucked out because one of them fired a bullet into the wall beside you is akin to reaping what you sow!

Good guys may not finish last but they sure as sh*t don't finish first!


nah, i forgot about them about 2 seconds after it happened.


considering there were like 400 people on board, not a huge loss compared to the stakes, if the payload was delivered or the jets shot the plane down, thatd be depressing


If i could quote Spock here "Needs of the many outweigh the needs of the few....."


Plus it would be an unrealistic terrorist thriller if there WASN'T a little collateral damage along the way.


Space Shuttle Atlantis: the music video


This is funny. I just finished watching this on Reelz and it actually occurred to me that the deaths of the passengers who were sucked out were a bit unnecessary.

The grave is no bar to my call.


The whole one-or-two-rows-of-seats-of-passengers-getting-sucked-out trope is the whole dang reason why I get nervous flying.

And just about every airplane movie does that.


That's it. No more window seats for me! Too dangerous!


Mythbusters proved that a window or hull breach wont suck you out..

it would need to be a huge and catastrophic gap to do that.. like that United 747 or the Aloha 737 that sufered catastrophic fuselage failures (not just a broken window or a hole in the wall.. they had huge chunks of fuselage ripped-off)


That's the risk you take when you book coach tickets on Expedia.


Yeah, I felt bad. Sure is a hell of way to die!

What a waste. Oh, the humanity!


Yes, that was kind of a shocker and way too harsh.
