MovieChat Forums > Jane Eyre (1996) Discussion > How good of an adaption is it?

How good of an adaption is it?

I am kind of on a classics spree right now, and trying to find good film versions. I've heard a few people say this version was not very good.

What are your opinions on it? Good, bad, decent?

Lestatic #15
My very randomness astounds people!


I really like it! Pretty decent:)


I love it. This is the only version I have seen to this point, but it is my favorite film. And I have over 700 films on my hard-drives , and this is the best.


An excellent film, a must see.


I really enjoyed this one!

Lestatic #15
My very randomness astounds people!


i hated this version.hated it.


Monkey_cheese_color - I'm with you 100 %!!!

OT: This is not an adaptation, it's an abomination.

Tastes differ, I know. If you haven't read the book, maybe it'll work somehow. If you haven't seen any other adaptations. I liked the cinematography and the music, I liked recognizing Fiona Shaw, Amanda Root, Joan Plowright, Samuel West (gosh, I love Persuasion 1995!!!), am a long-time fan of William Hurt's, nothing could make this film interesting for me. Nothing.
The last frame is nice...and I was so glad it was over!:-)

If you watch it/have watched it, it would be interesting to know what you think!:-)

Watch all BBC adaptations of Jane Eyre. Watch Emma 2009. Watch BBC Pride and Prejudice 1995, okay, watch P&P 2005 as well (it's lightyears better than this!), watch Persuasion 1995, watch North and South, watch Bleak House, watch Gosford Park, watch Poldark, watch Blackadder, watch Batman Begins, really watch anything rather than this...;-)))


I have seen all the adaptations (even the one currently in theaters). I had put this toward the bottom of my favorites, but I watched it again last evening and must say I really enjoyed it. The story is very condensed as one would expect of a film made for the theater since there just is not enough time to fully explore everything. Charlotte Gainsbourgh looks like I would expect Jane to look; she reveals little of Jane's character other than her intelligence and resolve to be independent but that she does extremely well. William Hurt portrays Edward as quiet, intelligent, brooding...

I would certainly recommend this movie to anyone who enjoys the story of Jane Eyre...but, frankly, I would be inclined to say that about everyone of the adaptations....I just can't help myself. Each presents me with a different reason for enjoying it.

One of the reasons about this versions is the following language that is not in any of the other adaptations (that I can remember) but I think reveals so much about Rochester and his growing bond with Jane. I have copied from the book, leaving out some words just as the film did. Both quotes are from Chapter XIV of the book.

Rochester: "...fortune has knocked me about...and now I flatter myself I am hard and tough as an India-rubber ball, pervious, though, through a *beep* or two still and with one sentient point in the middle of the lump...does that leave hope for me?"

and "you are not naturally austere, any more than I am naturally vicious.."
