MovieChat Forums > Jane Eyre (1996) Discussion > I love Rochester but would love to see a...

I love Rochester but would love to see a version with emphasis on St.Joh

I am just coming out of the trance after reading Jane Eyre this past weekend, also just finished watching the 1996 Miramax version. I enjoyed it, loved the sound track as well.
I am enthralled by the main charters of Jane and Rochester but I was deeply intrigued by the character of St.Johns Rivers in the book. I would love to see on screen the scene from the book where he takes her out for a walk and proposes marriage. Also would love the scene re-acted when he bestows an 'experimental' kiss on her at night and when he punishes her by withholding affection/praise during the Hindi lessons.
I would like to see a fine actor portraying his "goodness, scholarship" while simultaneously his ice berg coolness and calculating thinking.
I agree with some about how the charterer of Rochester has been played to the max. I, for one, would like the "courtship" of Jane by her cousin.
Fat chance, I know but hey a girl can dream..


Actually, the 1973 version does a lot of work on St.John's character. He isn't truly as well drawn as he could be but he is by far the best film St.John, in my opinion. There's news on my Bronte blog about the upcoming release of his version, slated for 2006!

If you cannot wait until then, the 1983 version from the BBC (the one with Zelah Clark and Timothy Dalton) also has the St.John proposal scene (and very nicely shot too).

I also have an audio version with the BEST St.John I've ever come across. He was terrifying sometimes, in the control he has over Jane. That one starred Meg Wynn Owen as Jane and Patrick Allen as Rochester.



I agree St. John is a very interesting character. I wouldn't mind seeing something with the emphasis on him.

So great is his certainty that mere facts cannot shake it.


I don't know, St. John was fond of Jane but not in that way (like love), he was her cousin but he only wanted to marry her because (I felt) that she wouldn't ever find a husband, and this would be her only opportunity and he wanted her beside him in his ministerial work.

So I think St. John's part is just fine, in the book and the films (more so the 1983 version). I think their relationship is put out the way it's suppose to be; Jane is still in love with Rochester during all of this.



I always wish they'd spend more time and thought on Mary and Diana Rivers, since Charlotte based these characters on her sisters Emily and Anne. Its a chance to see how the three of them lived and interacted from Charlotte's own eyes.


I too would like to see a movie with emphasis on St. John. He may not have actually loved her but I think it's sad how she never really even gave him a chance. He did take a lot of notice of her mind and ability and stuff though. And he seemed really close to her even though he was in India in the epilogue.


No doubt St. John cared for Jane as a cousin and she him. It's been awhile since I last read the book, but wanna think he told her she isn't made for love? I feel he really only wanted to marry her so he could have what he felt was a "suitable" missonary's wife, and her share of their uncle's estate meant she would not have needed any financial help working in India.

Her refusal of his proposal and offer to go with him as a sister displeased him and got her on his bad side. When she told him he was killing her with his coldness, he acted like he didn't know he was treating her that way. His sisters knew what he was like and was glad she turned him down and were happy when she married Mr. Rochester.


I'm with you totally!!!And it was in my great dissapointment that isaw that in the movie of 96 haven't put the greatest scenes of the book between Jane and John..Saint John is an intresting character plus he is quite good looking(lol).They shouldn;t put this actor...Whitch comes to my point.Who would you choose to play Saint John in a newer version of the movie?I think that he should be played by someone who is handsome but also can show the coldness and despotism he had..As for me i think Paul Dano would be good (has already played priest quite well..),and as i'm a bit of weird i think also Juan Manuel Gil Navarro..Any other ideas?
