Awesome movie!

Give me a break people, for what this movie is, it's great. I don't know exactly what it is, but that really doesn't matter. All that matters is that it's so good. It's funny and it's sweet and that's all it's supposed to be. I mean come on, an arch angel who loves to see the worlds largest...whatever. I love this movie and you should all be ashamed of yourselves for giving a rating of 5.5. This movie deserves at least a 7. Michael kicks ass.



This movie was ok the first time I saw it on video. While I didn't agree on how Michael was portrayed in the movie, John Travolta did an awesome job acting as the part of the angel of war :)


Chain,chain,chain --------That's all I have to say! Beats good, lyrics good, you can dance to it! I give it a 10!


I love it. It never fails to entertain me and make me smile. I drive my husband crazy reciting lines along with the movie. I also gave it a "7" sometimes I just want to enjoy some fluff and stuff, and this movie is full of it...and great music.



I think alot of people are just watching Michael coming down the stairs and itching his croth and not looking at the rest of the character. He is someone who loves life, loves the earth, loves people. He is an angel that is in love with human existence, and all manner of life, and wants to enjoy it. I am surprised so many people miss that, I mean; sure he's comical, but he has a deeply moving side to him as well that I think more people should give credit to. Travolta gives a great performance in this film.

"Remember what John and Paul said..."

"The Apostles?"

"No The Beatles! 'All Ya Need is Love'."


This is definately one of my faveorite movies. Im a huge fan of anything with Angels or Demons God and the Devil. It was such a surprisingly enjoyable movie. I am have a hard time finding it on DVD though. This is one Id love to have in my collection. Another great movie, similar to this one, is 'Powder'
Michael gets two thumbs way up from me!!! 7 outta 10.


Exactly, it's the best! Absolutely wondeful. One of my favourites. And call me a wimp, but I get teary when Michael has to go, lol!

Oh yes, it is BRILLIANT to watch at Christmas. Particularly Christmas Eve.







Thank you for your post...I love this movie too and never get tired of watching it. It's part of my permanent collection and always gives me a lift when I'm down in the dumps. A true "feel good" movie.
