Goof in the subtitles

I wonder who types the subtitles for films sometimes.

I noticed that when Joe is talking to Kitty at the beginning of the film, he is talking about how Michael would cycle around Dublin in a pin-striped suit with £10,000 on his head.

Joe quotes Michael as saying: Why hide, Joe? When that's what they expect!

But the subtitles read: Why, hi, Joe! When that's what they expect!

Hmm... I just wonder how much of a time constraint these folks are working with that they come up with something like doesn't make sense!

50 Dead Men Walking has a pretty bad subtitle error too!


Why are there subtitles, then? It's in English, right?


Hearing impaired people need subtitles... and those who are learning English like to have them... and then there are people who have difficulty understanding people who are speaking in a different accent.
