Always wondered about Buffy

Seems like such a devoted fanbase, but I never watched it.

So I just did some googling and found an article "10 Reasons Why Everyone Should Watch Buffy" articles. This really fascinates me:

Buffy is the first show to have an episode with no dialogue in Season 4’s terrifying, Emmy-winning episode “Hush."

I have to say - an entire episode with no dialogue sounds very interesting.


It's one of the best episodes of the entire series as is the musical episode.I became a fan of Whedon because of this show.Trust me.All of his shows are worth a watch.


Thanks. Didn't even know it was Whedon. I do like Serenity and Firefly. Justice League was only so-so but that was a salvage job so I cant really blame him.


It's a pretty good episode, the best of season 4, even though that's when the show already started to suck.




I suggest getting hulu if you don't have it already to watch Buffy/Angel/firefly, etc. I didn't watch it much back then but I recently completed the show on there and I'm glad I did. Still think Angels better though.


That episode still creeps me out and I haven't seen it since it aired.
