MovieChat Forums > Daria (1997) Discussion > Misconceptions about Daria's personality

Misconceptions about Daria's personality

Whenever I talk about this show with people, I notice that many feel "like Daria" themselves. Obviously, I think Daria was written so that most viewers would identify with her... but there are many things that I think people get wrong about Daria. To begin with, I notice that many bullied, outcast, shy and misanthropes identify with her, yet, I don't think Daria is any of these things. Daria was not bullied by anyone, she was not shy at all, she spoke her mind to anyone with no problems; she might have been a little outcast, but she was relatively well adapted and people knew her; and most importantly, I don't think she "hated" people at all, mostly she acted disturbed towards certain attitudes, but she was never outright cruel with anyone. I think this was even referenced in the episode in which Tommy Sherman died... everyone in school just assumed that she always had dark thoughts.

The other thing I don't agree with is that Daria is heartless or devoid of feelings. I think she was always portrayed as introverted, but highly sensitive. She has shown affection for her family, Jane, Tom and sometimes even for some classmates. She has also shown anger or disgust many times. In the contact lenses episode we even see that she does care about what people think of her as well.

I don't believe that Daria was an intellectual snob either. She never proved her knowledge in any complex affair, I think the joke in the show is that she is the only person in the school that actually knows what she was supposed to learn at that point. Seriously, how can anyone over 10 years old not know what Manifest Destiny is? Also, all the books that she reads during the show are really basic literature for anyone that actually enjoys reading. While she had some eccentric tastes, Daria was mostly normal, she liked trash TV, videogames and eating pizza, just like most Americans.

So, anyway, I just wanted to know if anyone has noticed these things and read your thoughts on the matter... so... what do you think?

"How come even in my fantasies everyone's a jerk?"


I think IMDb's description of the show sums her up well: A smart & cynical girl goes through teenage life as a proud outsider in a world of mainly idiotic teens and condescending adults.

Mostly everyone in Lawndale had a screw or two loose. The kids were shallow or plain stupid, the Mystik Spiral crowd that were losers and burnt out, or the other adults like teachers, parents, etc. were patronizing, troubled, obnoxious, etc.

She was just very counterculture, for one thing. She and Jane saw through the system and the machine, touching on everything from education, career life, politics, religion, media, etc. that had part in turning everyone into morons. Each of those things has gotten so much worse and messier too even since Daria's time... she had a great read on how it all would affect young people and turn them into brainless zombies, and for all of the disgruntled/angry/overwhelmed adults in her life how it had screwed them up.

But I do think she liked people more than she may have let on. She does love her family and Jane and Trent, and I think some real affinity for all of her classmates. She was just different than them, held very different values and priorities, and wasn't afraid to speak her mind and make that apparent, even if it reinforced her status as unpopular and a brain.

For me, I do identify with her in that I don't feel a strong kinship with many people, in personality, ideals, etc... but I identify with something in pretty much every character I think. I can be as much of a Quinn or a Jake as I can be a Daria at times.


Can't really add anythign to the first post, but I also strongly agree about the bullying part.

It's great if victims of bullying identify with Daria, but I don't think that's what the show was about at all. Actually her school looks pretty tame compared to other American schools I see on TV (I'm from England), and most of her classmates are sympathetic.

She certainly isn't an 'emo' icon either. I think Daria would treat that as just another 'crowd' like the fashion club. Besides, she never befriends that emo or goth classmate.


Yeah, I certainly wouldn't consider her a victim of bullying. Even though her classmates didn't "get" her, they didn't seem to hate her or go out of their way to be mean to her. A lot of times they actually made attempts to reach out to her, albeit very clumsy attempts.


Seriously, how can anyone over 10 years old not know what Manifest Destiny is?

I had a really crappy school system, but I don't remember learning about Manifest Destiny until high school.

28 // Navy Vet


I see her as being and observer of human nature and one that would comment on it openly. She was smart like Jodie but Jodie was more active would participate in different things.Jane would comment as well but Jane was also active with her art work she had another outlet that Daria did not. Daria did care about others especially her family and Jane.

I can relate to several of the characters too at different times.


Hell, we got a guy running for president who probably can't even spell Manifest Destiny!


daria and jane could be hipster outcasts...I like to assume that once they get out of high school and are no longer teenagers that they would stop hating life and grow up..but I doubt it.

The more personalities you have the less boring you are!


Just because they didn't fit into what was considered "normal" doesn't mean they hated life.
